Having a vision in business will help you to find the need and fill it with your product or service.

Helen Keller once stated “It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.”

Sometimes we don't realize that the solution to the problem we face is literally right on the other side of what we can see.

Your ability to reach and push yourself to limits you didn't think you could go are crucial to success in anything you set out to do.

Looking outside the normal way of thinking is what is required many times so that we can overcome whatever it may be that is hold us back, or to move our business to the next level.

While I was out on my morning exercise I shot this video for you below. Enjoy it!


    4 replies to "Vision In Business Is A Vital Key To Success, Do You Have it?"

    • Tanisha Ajokatcher

      all leaders have a vision and if you dont than you dont have a business……..business is for long term and like T Harv Eker explains you must begin with the end in mind! great video

    • David Simmons

      For starters, Thanks Mark for bringing me back to the park.. it’s been a while since i’ve been on a swing,lol. Bro thanks for the post you’ve displayed, Running a business towards victory is just like a video game.. it gets harder as we go along. But can get easier when we stop & think outside of the box. Great advice

      David S.

    • Nicky

      Powerful post Mark – having a vision for your business is essential. Sometimes when I lose focus a little, or something hasn’t gone quite the way I planned, I use exercise to refresh my mind and then re-focus on my “why” for doing this and then somehow the next action comes to me!
      Thanks for sharing,

    • if you don’t have a vision, then you won’t know where you’re heading. Having visions are essential.

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