The Mark Harbert Story

who is mark harbert?
Mark Harbert started marketing online in late 2008 and has generated over 150,000 leads online. He has created an annual multiple 6-Figure Income and sold multiple millions of dollars of his own courses and affiliate products.
Before attaining the level of success he is now enjoying things were not always so good. Mark at one point didn't even know how he was going to buy groceries for his family or pay the bills.
However, hard work, focus and determination have paid off in huge way and he is now reaping the rewards of success. He even had a single day where he generated over $100,000 in sales revenue.
Mark is hyper focused on helping online entrepreneurs implement automation strategies into their marketing and sales processes so they can free themselves for the things that matter most in life.
Faith and Family are Mark's biggest achievements to date. However, the greatest legacy he is focused on leaving behind is that because of amazing grace, he once was lost but now he is found.
early life
I was born in Pontiac Michigan and raised in Clarkston which is a town about 45 minutes northwest of Detroit.
I grew up with a love for sports like baseball, football and wrestling, but eventually became incredibly passionate about action sports mainly BMX freestyle riding after I saw the movie Rad in 1986.
I spent years traveling the country with my friends attending contests and events.
To all my biking buddies my nickname is "Hubbard". Many of them still call me that today.
Here is another video of me being interviewed on local TV near Detroit Michigan for BMX riding.
As soon as I graduated high school I entered the US Navy bootcamp in 1993 which I found to be one of the greatest experiences of my life. I learned to overcome and that when I really put my mind to accomplish something I know I can do it.
After bootcamp I served on the Navy ship USS Aubrey Fitch. I was stationed in Mayport, Florida just outside Jacksonville.
I got to experience many cool places in the Caribbean while our ship was doing drug seizure operations. Places like Mexico, Jamaica, Guantanamo Bay, and Puerto Rico.

family life

In 2002 I met the woman of my dreams and got married to my beautiful wife Juany from Chile. In 2006 we both fulfilled our lifetime dream and had a child together.
Our daughter's name is Nicole and she is the light of our lives.
I was first introduced in the year 2000 to network marketing when I met with a gentleman at Denny's restaurant for a sit-down presentation. Not only was my excitement level through the roof, but it was also then that I got the freedom bug.
Since that very moment, I have always had a passion for entrepreneurship and the freedom one can attain if they put their head down and go to work.
Because I was able to see the vision that day, life for me over the past decade has been a dream come true. I have the amazing privilege to connect with people and individuals that have had a massive positive influence in my life, family, social influence and business.
I have since gone on to become a multiple 6-figure earner annually while earning multiple millions in commissions overall. I have in the process taught thousands how to leverage the power of online video to boost traffic, leads, and sales.
I have won several marketing awards and walked the stage at many events.
I have also spoken in front of 1000's of people training and teaching the strategies that have helped me build my online empire.
The cool thing was, I built my business living in Concepcion, Chile for 4 years. I moved back to the USA (February 2014) with my family to build my business further and attend more events.
We are currently live just north of Dayton Ohio in an awesome little town named Tipp City.
I work my business full-time which allows me to spend as much time with my family as I want. I get to go where I want, help whoever I want, and make a difference.
let me know what I can do to help you get to where you want to go!
My Personal Vision Statement
I Mark Harbert, walk forward with a clear vision: To reflect and manifest the goodness of God in all categories of my life.
My ultimate goal is to be a living example and a facilitator of life’s true freedoms by living abundantly spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially.
Keeping God first is my number one priority.
I will not waiver in my commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ even when it is not popular to do so.
I will strive to raise a happy and healthy family with my wife and daughter.
I will work heartily unto the Lord in my business by conducting myself with the strongest ethical standards and honor.
I will continually strive and focus on helping others to achieve their goals and dreams. I will give back to my community true value with thankfulness.
I will always be a lifetime learner of God’s Truth and will strive to continually develop into a person of character and Godliness.
I will be an outstanding citizen in my local community; I will grow inwardly and outwardly as a servant leader because true joy comes in service to others.
Overall I seek to bring glory and honor to my Lord Jesus Christ, who sacrificed it all so I could live a life I could have never dreamed of on my own.