If you’re in the home business space, then you’ve no doubt seen it happen.
People blabbering on and on about how great their products or opportunity are. About how the ingredients are from the rarest part of the earth and how great the compensation plan is. How not getting in now is like not getting in Apple or Amazon at the beginning. ?
And the question is how do you feel when you see that?
Do you feel compelled to hit that person up and ask how you can get their products, or join their opportunity?
OR do you feel a little disgusted, and embarrassed for that person.
The MORE important question is…
How are YOU getting people interested in YOUR products or opportunity? Are you spamming them like the people we’re speaking about?
Are you chasing people asking them to take a look at your opportunity?
If so, that's okay.
The beautiful thing is that you can switch gears TODAY and go promote your business in a way that you never even have to talk about your opportunity.
Even better, you can promote in a way that gets people asking YOU about your products and opportunity!
People hate spam. When you talk about how great your products and opportunity are on Facebook, or Instagram, or YouTube then you look like a spammer.
And you’re not giving people what they really want and need.
What they want and need is information on how to fix whatever problem they’re having. Heck, you don’t even know if your products will help them. And you don’t know if they even want to join an opportunity.
So what’s the solution?
YOU Must Attract Those People Who Actually Have the Problem that YOUR Products or Opportunity Solve For Them!
You must become attractive to the people who are already looking for YOU. The person who can help them.
And you must create a situation where it’s easy for them to find you, and eventually ask YOU about your products and opportunity.
See how much easier that sounds already?
Listen to episode 5 of my podcast as this will help you understand why people will by from you over the next guy.
[buzzsprout episode='8975131′ player='true']Here Are the Steps to Get People Buying Your Products, or Into Your Opportunity Without Ever Talking About Them…
Step #1: Figure Out What Problem Your Product Solves!
What is your product? What problem does it solve? Weight loss? Energy? Helps people build credit?
Figure out the benefits of your product, and pinpoint exactly who would need it.
Somebody who needs a weight loss product is obviously overweight.
But who REALLY needs it right now?
Someone who’s overweight who has a health problem that losing weight can solve that problem? Someone who’s got a wedding coming up and they want to look good on the biggest day of their life?
How about a credit product? Who might need that right now? A young couple looking to buy their first home, with less than desirable credit?
Someone trying to recover from a foreclosure or bankruptcy in the past?
How about your opportunity?
Someone who’s looking for a side income from home? Someone who wants to quit their job and be their own boss?
Or my favorite…someone who is already in a network marketing opportunity, yet simply isn’t happy with their company…or even better yet, their upline!
The point is you really need to drill down so you know exactly who you’re talking to, and what their specific problems and pain points are.
Step #2: Create Content that Attracts the People with THAT Problem to YOU!
So your target market has a problem. YOU have a solution.
But for them to believe that you have a solution, you need to prove it. They need to get to see that YOU know what you’re talking about, so they can begin to trust you enough to whip out their credit card and purchase your solution.
What’s the quickest way to build trust with someone?
How about helping them solve their problem? Ever have a neighbor help you when your car wouldn’t start, or you had a problem with the house? Did you hold them in a little higher regard than you did the other neighbors on the block once they helped?
And if their kid came around asking you to buy some girl scout cookies, didn’t you feel a little more inclined to buy them because that neighbor helped you?
Isn’t social media just like a big neighborhood?
So you don’t have to give away the farm. Just give away some tips to help those people with the problem that you have a solution for…so they get one little step closer to their goal.
You can do this in the form of blog posts, videos, social media posts, email or even Facebook groups. The possibilities are really endless.
As you keep providing value, and they see that you are an authority on the exact problem that they need a solution for, that trust builds with your audience.
Step #3: Engage with and Sell to Your Audience!
When you give a ton of value, and people start looking at YOU as an authority and leader…then they’re going to start engaging.
They’ll comment on your posts. They’ll send you private messages on social media asking you questions more specific to them.
This is when it’s okay to tell them the solution that you have. They’re reaching out to you. Heck in a lot of instances they’ll be CHASING YOU! That’s the perfect scenario and how you’ll begin to become like the leaders you see online today!
There Ya Go! You Now Know the Simplest Way to Get People Buying Your Products…Go Out There and Make It Easy for Them to Find You!
You rock,
PS: If you don't have a step by step blueprint for success then check this out (Unless you currently have to many leads and sales then you can handle) - Click Here
1 Response to "How to Get People to Buy Your Products, Without Talking About Them Constantly!"
Thank you Mark, it is great advice.
Will try it and see if it will help me start my sales.