Today, I want to introduce you to someone who’s not just killing it in the online marketing world but truly redefining what it means to leverage every platform at your disposal.

I’m talking about Kim Ward, a down-to-earth powerhouse who's taken Pinterest—yes, that “recipe and DIY” site—and transformed it into a lead-generating, cash-pumping machine for her business.

And I’m telling you, if you’re not paying attention to Pinterest yet, you need to. Like, yesterday.

Why Pinterest Deserves Your Attention

Now, I get it. When you think of Pinterest, your mind probably goes straight to recipes, crafts, and wedding planning, right?

That’s where most people stop thinking. But here’s the kicker—Pinterest is so much more than a social network. It’s a search engine.

A search engine with over 482 million monthly active users who are actively looking for solutions, ideas, and yes, even your content.

Kim and I talked about this in our recent podcast episode.

She’s been evangelizing Pinterest for years, and yet, it still feels like so many marketers just don’t take it seriously. Let’s fix that right now.

Kim Ward’s Journey: From Corporate to Crushing It on Pinterest

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of how you can leverage Pinterest, let me give you a quick rundown of Kim’s story—because it’s powerful.

Kim came from a corporate medical background and had a life-changing moment in 2014 that pushed her into the entrepreneurial world. Just days after Christmas, she lost her mom tragically and unexpectedly while being eight months pregnant with her third child.

That loss hit her hard. She realized she didn’t want to go back to the corporate grind, trading precious time for money just to pay someone else to raise her baby.

She wanted more—more time, more freedom, and more control over her life. So, she dove into the world of MLM, network marketing, and eventually affiliate marketing, which eventually led her to discover the untapped potential of Pinterest.

Fast forward to today, Kim’s business has grown to six figures annually, and she’s now leveraging Pinterest to generate leads and sales daily—so effectively, in fact, that she and her husband have written their Pinterest account into their will for their daughter.

Talk about legacy-building! 

Pinterest: The Search Engine You’re Not Using Enough

One of the key points Kim made during our chat was this: Pinterest isn’t just a social network. It’s a search engine, and not just any search engine, but one where people go with a specific intent—to find solutions, ideas, and content that meet their needs.

And here’s the magic—search-based traffic is the best kind of traffic.

Why? Because it’s driven by intent. When someone’s searching for something specific and your content pops up, that’s gold.

Those are the people who are ready to take action, and they’re finding you because you’re giving them exactly what they’re looking for.

Leveraging Pinterest for Video Marketing

Now, you all know how much I love video marketing. So, naturally, I had to ask Kim how video fits into the Pinterest game.

And her answer? Video is a game-changer on Pinterest.

Pinterest may have started with static pins, but it’s now a platform that fully supports video content, giving you another powerful way to connect with your audience.

What’s awesome is that videos go instantly into the algorithm—no waiting around for your content to gain traction.

Kim shared an incredible story of how one of her friends, after taking her training, posted a 45-second video on Pinterest.

That video led to two sales calls, each worth $25,000. Yep, you read that right—$50,000 from a single 45-second video. If that doesn’t get you excited about Pinterest, I don’t know what will!

Getting Started with Pinterest: Keywords and Tools

So, how do you start leveraging Pinterest for your business?

It all begins with understanding keywords. Keywords are the lifeblood of search engines, and Pinterest is no different.

You need to know what your ideal audience is searching for—their pains, their desires, their problems—and then create content that speaks directly to those needs.

Kim recommends using tools like Pinterest’s own keyword search tool, accessible through their ads platform, and Pin Inspector, a tool I shared with her a while back that’s become one of her go-to resources.

By understanding the keywords your audience is searching for, you can ensure your content shows up at the right time for the right people.

Why You Need to Take Action Now

I know what you’re thinking—“Mark, this all sounds great, but isn’t Pinterest a slow burn?” Yes and no.

Static pins might take 90 days to really gain traction, but video content can start driving results instantly.

And here’s the thing—your content on Pinterest is evergreen.

That means it keeps working for you long after you’ve posted it, driving residual lead flow that feeds into your residual income.

So, if you’re already creating content, why not take an extra 30 seconds to upload it to Pinterest?

The more places your content lives, the more hooks you have in the ocean, and the better your chances of reeling in those leads.

Wrapping It Up

Kim Ward is proof that with the right strategy, Pinterest can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. Whether you’re in network marketing, affiliate marketing, or any other online business, Pinterest offers an incredible opportunity to generate leads, drive sales, and build a sustainable, long-term business.

So, don’t sleep on Pinterest. Take action, start pinning, and watch as your content starts working for you around the clock.

And if you need more guidance on video marketing or leveraging Pinterest. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on what she’s teaching.

Until next time, keep pushing forward and keep those leads flowing!

Additional Resources For Your Business

✅ Metricool Social Scheduler – Learn More Here

My tool of choice for auto-posting to my social media profiles. You can post images, text posts, upload videos, and much more. Amazing tool for social automation and driving more organic traffic to your content on auto-pilot.

✅ Logitech Brio 4K Webcam - Learn More Here

This is the webcam I use every day to record videos on my main computer. The resolution is fantastic, it's simple, and it's cost-effective. If you are creating videos, you want to make sure you record your videos in the highest definition possible.

✅ Learn, Launch, Lead Challenge – Learn More Here HIGH VALUE CONTENT

If you really want to learn what it takes to build a thriving online business then I highly recommend this 5 day Challenge from Legendary Marketer. Get a million dollar education for only $5!

You rock,

PS: Want to work directly with me? Click Here

    1 Response to "How To Dominate Pinterest Marketing With Kim Ward"

    • Jess Brown

      Does Kim offer training on her Pinterest strategy, Mark? I’m using Pinterest but would love to learn more at a deeper level. Thank you!

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