Have you found yourself creating videos for your audience that get very few views (if any?) Isn't that frustrating?

Why does this happen?

The answer is actually quite simple for MOST marketers. It's because you aren't creating videos on topics that your niche and audience are starving to know more about.

You're not feeding a starving crowd.

But how do you really know what they want videos on? Do you notice you're always asking yourself “What do I make a video about?”

The go-to answer from MY competition is usually “Keyword Research.”

Of Course, Keyword Research is Important.

It's a great way to get a broad view of topics that you could potentially create videos around. But it's definitely NOT the only way.

Keyword research is simply not the end like most people think it is. It's only a beginning. At least if you want people salivating for your next video (Every time!)

And here's where you'll have the edge…

Creating an audience of people who are dying for your next video helps fill in the holes of your video SEO game, your blogging, and even your social posting. So let's dig in…

3 Little-Known & Somewhat Sneaky Tricks to Find Out What Your Niche Wants to Know About (and Keep Them Coming Back for MORE!)

#1 ASK

Now, this might not apply if you don't already have an email list or a fan base over on Facebook. If that's you, then you can move on to #2.

However, if you DO have an audience the best way to give them exactly what they want, and what they'll devour… is to simply ask them.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to pull this off is to create a poll! You can do this easily right on Facebook if you have a Fan Page (with Fans.)

You can also use a service like Survey Monkey and send that out to your list, and simply list a few different main topics, and let your audience vote!

That's one way…

But if you want to get even more specific then just create a post that asks your audience something like:

“What Is Something You Need Help With RIGHT NOW In Your Business?”


“What's a Frustrating Aspect of Your Business That's Causing You to Pull Your Hair Out – That You Could Use a Walk-Through Video For?”

This is simple and will get people listing specific problems that they need solutions for. Problems that you can create videos around right away, and feel right back to them.

#2 Spying On Comments

Comments are a goldmine of opportunity to grab specific topics that people want to know about.

“But I don't get comments!”

But we're not talking about your comments my friend. We're talking about comments that you spy on. Pretty sneaky sis! 😉

Comments are powerful because they're actual engagement from people who took time out of their day to post a comment and say “Thank you” to someone who answered a question that they needed the answer to…

If they said thank you, it means that the person who posted helped them out.

If you see a post with a ton of thank you's, or ‘Likes'…well that's a pretty red-hot problem area don't you think? And if all these people were having this same problem…it's pretty likely that others in your niche are having this problem too!

And YOU get to be the hero who makes a video with the solution!

What's Even Better is when those comments are from people who asked a specific question within a post. In other words when you see a comment from a Facebook user asking the poster further questions about their post.

That's powerful real-time research right there.

In fact, if you switch it around, and do this spying first…then you can head back over to your keyword tool and drill down even further on different ways that same question might get asked. Or other related questions to that topic!

Where to Spy On Comments?

Facebook groups in your niche…

This is a goldmine of opportunity. In FB groups you can see in real-time who's replying to posts and what they're saying, what they're liking, and what they're engaging with.

Fan Pages of Leaders In Your Niche!

It's imperative that you become a good spy, and see what leaders are talking about, and how people are reacting to what they're talking about.

The truth is, they may be just throwing mud to see what sticks as well. Let them do the research, and you can simply piggyback off their research by gauging the engagement!

Comments on Authority Blogs in Your Niche

Blogs with a ton of authority in your niche will simply have more posts; will likely have recently posted; and will get more engagement simply because they have a bigger audience.

Check out the topics that they're blogging about, make note of the angle they're going after, and then devour the comments.

Comments on the Blogs of Leaders in Your Niche

Successful leaders leave clues.

Many know what they're doing, and create content around topics that they know are hot! Some are evergreen, some are more specific. It's a great starting point.

And of course, the comment section can be a goldmine of really getting at the heart of the problems in your niche's most pressing problems.

YouTube Comments from People (and Leaders) In Your Niche

Sure, you may have to dig through all the mean and nonsense comments about the presenter, or the arguing between the people commenting, but digging through can be a goldmine of frustrations in your niche!

#3 Amazon Book Reviews

That's right! This one is a little-known gem that most of your competition isn't using.

People often get VERY specific when they're reviewing a book. They'll say things like: “I bought this book because I wanted to learn _______” and then they'll either say what a good job the author did of providing that answer, or how bad the book stinks!

Either way, there's plenty of good info for you to take and run with!

For instance, on Ray & Jessica Higdon's book “Top Earner Recruiting Secrets – How to Recruit More Reps Into Your MLM: Network Marketing Recruiting Mastery” over at Amazon (that's some title!), the Higdon's have a ton of 5-star reviews.

For example, One 5 Star reviewer says: “In addition to that, Jessica gives some HUGE tips and great questions to ask your prospects that help you sponsor more people.”

See the hot button there? I'll make it easy for ya!

Great questions to ask your prospects that help you sponsor more people!”

That can give you a great idea right there on what to create a video about! If this dude was interested in that topic, then other people probably are too.

Now check this out to prove my point even further…

Another 5-Star Blogger said this right at the end of his review: “The only drawback is, this book has very little information about duplication and team building.”

BOOM!! Huge clue right there that you could probably go make a video about RIGHT NOW and end up with some happy viewers.

Just head over to Amazon, search your niche in the books section and go start reading some reviews.

Read the good, the bad, and the ugly reviews and start picking out some gems!!

And then go start making some videos. I pretty much just gave you a lifetime of never-ending topics to find and never run out of ideas again!

Did you get some value? Leave me a comment below I love your feedback.

Additional Resources

✅ Ecamm Live Broadcasting Software - Learn More Here

If you want to enrich your LIVE videos experience, this tool is AMAZING. Perfect for high production-looking lives and super simple to use and allows you to broadcast to multiple locations at the same time.

✅ Logitech Brio 4K Webcam - Learn More Here

This is the webcam I use every day to record videos on my main computer. The resolution is fantastic, it's simple, and it's cost-effective. If you are creating videos, you want to make sure you record your videos in the highest definition possible.

✅ HBA Funnel Builder – Learn More Here

All in one funnel builder for capture pages, product creation, and selling products. If you are just starting out and looking for the right tools I recommend this tool. The owners are AMAZING people and good friends.

You rock,

PS: Want to work directly with me? Click Here

    4 replies to "3 Sneaky Hacks to Find Out Exactly What Video Topics YOUR Niche Is Starving For!"

    • Sue Sturos

      Like your tip on “spying on comments”.

    • Jaye Carden

      Now I know what to do when the “blank” mind hits me. Always seems ideas come quickly when you are not creating content, but once you are set to do so, you can’t remember any of the several ideas you had!

    • Dawn Baggett

      Super helpful! Thanks?

    • Chukwuemeka

      The “comments” have it. Thanks

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