Today, we’re going to tackle the real reason you haven’t hit your goals. And trust me, it’s not what you think.

I’ve seen this time and time again, not just in others but in my own life as well.

It’s something so common that I was literally on a phone call yesterday with someone who was struggling to reach their goals, and guess what?

I could immediately tell what was holding them back.

The truth is, we all set goals. Personal goals, business goals, things we want to achieve.

But what I’ve found over the years is that the main reason people don’t hit their goals comes down to one thing: self-belief.

Facing the Fear of Failure

During my call yesterday, when I asked why they hesitated, they said something I bet will sound familiar: “I’m afraid I’ll fail again.”

That right there is the core issue. Many of us have been there, myself included. If you’ve been following me on social media, you know I’ve shared updates on my own journey—especially when it comes to my health and weight loss.

If you want to see what I am talking about check out this post here.

I’ve been on a mission to get healthier, and I’ve lost 62 pounds so far as of this blog post. But even now, with muscle gained and more to go, I still remember what it felt like back in May when I stepped on the scale at my heaviest weight ever.

That disgust I felt… I had been here before. I had tried different health plans, products, and strategies, only to fail and fall back into old habits. And let me tell you, that creeping self-doubt was loud. “What if I try again and fail again?” Maybe you’ve been there, too.

Why Do You Even Set Goals?

At that point, I had to ask myself some tough questions. Why did I even want to lose weight?

Why set this goal at all? For me, it came down to taking care of my temple—my body—as a believer in God.

I knew I needed help, and within a couple of days, I found inspiration from a friend who had hired a coach to guide her on her health journey. Seeing her success, I thought, maybe that’s what I need.

That was the first time I considered hiring a coach to help me with my health. But even then, those same doubts came flooding back: Mark, you’ve tried this 40, 50 times before—what if you fail again?

I had the same conversation with my wife, who’s seen me try so many things over our 21 years of marriage.

But then, something clicked. I told her, “It’s never too late to try again.” That realization was powerful. It’s never too late to pick up and give it another shot.

The world may see failure as a bad thing, but no one succeeds without stumbling a few times first. Your past failures don’t define you.

Persistence: The Key to Goal Setting

The second reason people don’t hit their goals is persistence. Or rather, a lack of it. Persistence means you keep going, no matter what.

I grew up involved in sports, and that background instilled a strong sense of discipline in me.

Whether it was playing baseball, football, wrestling, or even BMX freestyle riding, I learned that persistence was the only way to get better.

One particular story from high school wrestling sticks with me to this day. I had just joined the team and, after only a couple of practices, I was thrown into a match in front of my entire school. And guess what?

I got pinned in seven seconds. Talk about humiliating. I wanted to quit right then and there.

But I didn’t. I decided I wasn’t going to let that seven-second defeat define me.

I went home that night and made the choice to keep going. I trained harder, focused on perfecting my moves, and practiced relentlessly.

Fast forward to a month later, during a district tournament, I pinned my opponent in—you guessed it—seven seconds.

Redemption. That moment taught me that persistence pays off, but only if you refuse to give up when things get tough.

Dealing with Past Failures

Now, let’s bring this back to goal setting. One of the biggest reasons people don’t hit their goals is because they let their past failures hold them back.

When you’ve failed at something multiple times, it’s natural to question whether you have what it takes to succeed. But here’s the thing: failure is a part of success.

Just like in my wrestling story, where I turned a humiliating defeat into a victory, you can take those past failures and use them as stepping stones.

They don’t have to be roadblocks. It’s never too late to try again.

The Power of Accountability

Here’s another big factor in reaching your goals: accountability. For me, hiring a coach made all the difference in my health journey.

The accountability and external perspective helped me push past my own mental blocks and stay on track.

If you’re serious about your goals, I highly recommend finding someone who will hold you accountable. It could be a coach, a friend, or even a community of like-minded people.

You need someone who will challenge you, push you, and help you move forward when you feel stuck.

If you want a business coach to help you create your offer, build your funnel and help you get leads in 90 days or less.

Maybe you and I are a fit to work together. Fill out a coaching application here and lets talk.

Conclusion: It’s Never Too Late to Reach Your Goals

So, here’s the bottom line: goal setting isn’t just about writing things down and hoping for the best. It’s about persistence, overcoming self-doubt, and finding accountability to keep you moving forward.

Don’t let past failures hold you back—they’re just stepping stones on the path to success.

What do you think? I would love your take to add to the discussion. Leave me a comment below and share your thoughts.

Additional Resources

✅ Lets Goal Productivity App – Learn More Here

"Lets Goal" is an AMAZING software tool designed to enhance personal productivity and goal achievement. It offers features like a customizable morning routine, effective daily planning, goal micro-management, and a built-in journal, all aimed at empowering users to organize their life and achieve their objectives efficiently.

✅ Magnetic Sponsoring Book - Learn More Here

This book changed my perspective on how to market online. I will NEVER market any other way online because of Magnetic Sponsoring. If you're in Network Marketing/Direct Sales, this book should be required reading.

You rock,

PS: If you don't have a step by step blueprint for success then check this out (Unless you currently have to many leads and sales then you can handle) - Click Here

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