Using summits to build your business has become a really effective way to grow your email list and make a lot of money in a short amount of time.

I wasn't really a fan of summits until I met Adrienne Hill. The way she ran her summit was incredibly well put together better than any I had seen in the past and it really intrigued me to want to connect with her further.

In this interview, I dive deep with Adrienne on how you can use the power of summits to scale your business in a BIG way!

Like to read instead? Here is the transcript of the interview below. Enjoy!


Mark Harbert 

All right. Well, welcome everybody to the Mark Harbert podcast. And man, I am so excited today for this episode. And I've really been waiting for this because I met this lady, I don't know, several months back. And we have mutual friend in the Getts who are great friends also. And I got connected with Adriene Hill. And I've just watched her over the last couple of months, and she's super positive. She's always a bright light on Facebook, you know, you see her she's always smiling. You see her on video, she's always super positive. But she's built an amazing business using the power of summits. And we're certainly going to talk about that. But Adrian, thanks for coming on today. I'm excited to have you.

Adrienne Hill 

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I'm excited to be here. I can't wait to dig in and kind of geek out a bit.

Mark Harbert 

I know, right. It's like, marketing stuff is like total geekery. I mean, for us that this stuff, it's like we could talk about it for hours and just like never get bored of it. Yeah. So that's awesome. Well, again, super excited to have you. So before we get started, definitely want to know a little bit about your story. Everybody's got a story like how they got started. And it's always unique to hear everybody's unique story to what we do and eventually getting here doing what we do. So what's your story? Like? How'd you get going in this online marketing gig? You know? Yeah, so

Adrienne Hill 

it's interesting. I spent 20 years in corporate America, I was a project manager, managing multi-million dollar launches for billion-dollar brands. So launching was my jam. That's what I did tons of products, like consumer goods that you would find it you know, Target or Walmart. I made a lot of those products, everything from diapers to feminine care products. It was all like absorbent products, right? It's like not glamorous. But necessary. Hey, everyone stocked up on toilet paper.

Mark Harbert 

COVID thing? Yeah.

Adrienne Hill 

So I had learned a lot about launching. But truth be told, I kind of wanted out of that career. I, I'm terrible at working for other people. I'm just like, I'm the worst employee, I'm the troublemaker like I can get some major work done. But I you know, I'm better working for myself. Let's put it that way. And the minute I hit 30 years old, I realized I don't want to work for other people. I would rather work for myself. But I knew absolutely nothing about starting a business. Right. But I knew that that was really the only path to freedom. Now layer on top of that. I really wanted to move back to the up so Michigan's Upper Peninsula, it's like in the middle of nowhere. Gorgeous, but remote and a strange liberal place. And I really wanted to come back there. But there are zero jobs. Yeah, it's like a super isolated area. And so I realized, like, there's, there's no like, there's no high powered job, I'm going to find in that area, if I'm going to move there. That's because I'm going to start my own business and figure out how to take care of myself. So I jumped into network marketing just to get my feet wet and start learning. Yeah, I did all the wrong things I did. I was horrible, right? Like I did all the things. But in doing so I learned what not to do. And as I started learning what I should be doing, I started learning attraction marketing, I started filming all these, like mini-courses for my downline to try to help them out. Before I knew it, I had a massive collection of all these mini-courses. And I was like, Oops, looks like I became a course creator, you know. Then I started moving into affiliate marketing and really started getting better at marketing in that space. And from there, I kind of pivoted into coaching where I realized my background in project management is really what makes me different than a lot of other people out there. And my background in launching, like

Mark Harbert 

knowing, and I'm going to speak on that in just a moment. Because it's a very important point, you know when we

Adrienne Hill 

Yes, so I mean, seeing how the big, big, big, big, big, big dogs launch is, you know, it's eye-opening. And so having that background is really what made me unique and, and coaching was really more where I didn't know it when I first got started. But coaching is really where I belong like that. That's my jam. I'm kind of an integrator, if you will, like I make things happen. I'm an action oriented person. But all throughout that journey. I had always had little bits of success here and here and there. I was, quote doing everything right. And not making much money. Yeah, right. So for anyone listening who can relate to that, they see you I understand. It's so frustrating. Like, oh my god. Well, and there was a part of me too. That's like, what am I doing wrong? I'm an educated professional person, I should be able to figure this out. What am I doing wrong? Right and so I had in my head that like I don't need a coach. I'm a smart person. I should just be able to watch some YouTube videos and figure it out well, silliness right? Actually it was in that unhealthy obsession with thinking I was going to figure it out through for YouTube videos that accountably breakouts Yeah, they actually ended up being one of my first coaches and led me started me down a path where I really figured out what I was doing so. So just to kind of set the stage at the point where I launched what I call my signature program, I had been dabbling, dabbling, dabbling, setting up all the funnels, running all the challenges, doing all the masterclasses, all the things I could think of. And in three years, I earned $12,000.

Mark Harbert 

is not as wasn't working. Yeah.

Adrienne Hill 

And I'm thinking, I know all the things like why is this not working for me? And the biggest part of the challenge was simply, it takes for ever to grow an email list. Yeah, it takes forever to grow your social media to followers. Like it is a slow burn, and that slow burn was killing me. Yeah.

Mark Harbert 

Yeah. Yeah. And it's, you know, and you know, you think about it too, and a lot of, and I think that's what makes your story great. Because it's very similar to a lot of people that have had success, too. They try a lot of different things. But it's kind of like, there's something about the successful entrepreneur that is insanely stubborn, and refuses to quit until you figure. Yes, yeah. And I see that I see that in you talking about that story, you know,

Adrienne Hill 

Oh, yeah. I was insanely stubborn. I started in network marketing in 2014, like 2014 to 2018 was my network marketing phase. And I mean, I did pretty good. I was at one of the top ranks in that company, but I hated my life on Monday. Oh, that is not the place for me. Right. All right. So then 2018 is when I started pivoting, and like, Okay, I'm gonna do something else. 2018 through 2020 is when I was riding the struggle bus in circles. Over and over. Yeah. And I was you're right, it was a lever level of stubborn. Yeah, that I just refused to fail. Yeah. Well, until I think.

Mark Harbert 

And I think when once you get a little bit of a taste, or a little bit of a vision of what your life could be, like, when you're your own boss, you call your own shots. You get that little taste, and it's like, it's so good. You just want more of it. You know? Yes. Yeah. Kinda like the ultimate drug, you know? Yes. So I

Adrienne Hill 

think through all the network marketing, the affiliate marketing, riding the struggle bus in circles, I think the biggest month I ever had was just over $2,000. Yeah. So it was enough to get a taste and to go, if I can make two I can make 20. Right. Right. Like, I just got to figure this out. But it was also not enough to take off those golden handcuffs I was wearing from that corporate job.

Mark Harbert 

Yeah, yeah. So okay, so now we're going to shift into like, Adrian's like, core thing, you know, like, so I first before I asked you this, I'm gonna tell this little story. And because it's a several months ago, our mutual friend Lea gets reached out to me and said, hey, you know, I got a friend. She great gal, she's super good friend. And she's doing a summit. And she's looking for some speakers on on these topics. And I definitely thought you would be a good one. And my, I'll be honest, my immediate thing was like, gosh, another one of those. One of those summit things, and I was like, Okay, I've been a part of these. I'm like, You know what, because you're asking Leah, you're a good friend, I'm gonna do it. She's like, trust me, you're gonna love this girl. She's awesome. And I'm like, Okay, let's do it. And so when I, you know, got the information, and I started going through, and I'm like, this one's a little different, like this is there's something about this, it's different. Like, she's actually really organized. And that kind of struck me because every summit I've ever tried to be a part of like, it was just very disorganized. It wasn't like, you know, and so that really struck me and I'm like, Okay, this is this is actually pretty easy to go through and, and do and, anyway, that was what really struck me and then to see how you did it all and put it together, I actually became like, I was like, summits are pretty cool. If you do it the way Adrian shows you how. So?

Adrienne Hill 

They can super fun.

Mark Harbert 

Yes. So let's talk about that. Like, how did you stumble into this strategy? Like how did you really go after?

Adrienne Hill 

So it's interesting, you know, the those three years where I was riding the struggle bus, it was because I was trying to do what everyone else was telling me to do. Yeah, right. And everyone else says, Build a lead magnet. Everyone else says, you know, set up a funnel, you're just one funnel away, you know, all of the things that we hear online. And so I was doing all the things that everyone else said. And I actually went to a retreat with Leah, and a couple of other women. One of which is Nicolette more if you don't know, Nick, you do Okay. Yep. And so, I was meeting Nicolette for the first time and she sat down with me and she gave me She, I didn't realize at the time, but she was taking me through her kind of signature clarity method, she helps people get clear on their businesses. And I was clear, but I wasn't clear. Yeah. Right. Like I thought I was. But I wasn't. And that's part of why I was writing struggle bus. Well, she helped me to understand that what made me unique was my project management background in launching these huge launches. Yeah. And once she unlocked that, in my mind, I sat back and I thought, okay, instead of listening to what everyone else says, what everyone else says to do and what everyone else says works. What would a project manager do? Right? How to project manager launch a business. Yeah. Right. And I stumbled across this summit strategy. And at the time that I stumbled across it, but my coach was Christina, Jen, Dolly, she's amazing. I don't know if you know her, but anyone watching should she's a wonderful human. And she was just putting together her signature program. For the first time, I was actually the first client that she signed her program for the very first one, which is kind of funny at the time on the enrollment call. I asked her the price, and she didn't even know she's like, I don't know, I'll make it up in the next week and let you know, it was so she didn't even know. I love. So anyway. It was brand new, it was going through beta. It was just bare bones at the time, but I looked at what she was teaching I caught. I caught the like the gist of it immediately. And I was like, This is my this is my jam. Like, I didn't know it, but that it is right. And I just looked at the essence of what she was teaching. And I thought, Okay. How would I just project manage the shit out of this? Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Like, how would I just like, do it my way? Like, yeah, her was cool. And I give her props for everything she taught, but like, how would I do it my way? Right, right. Yep. And I just went, I just went crazy with it. Now at the time, I was planning a wedding. I got married in 2020. That's totally insane. But also we had been together for over 10 years, and we didn't want to wait anymore. Yeah. So I'm planning a wedding and planning a summit simultaneously. I got married on August 29 of 2020. My summit started promoting on the 30th Like, the day after my wedding, my business launched. Crazy people like me do that.

Mark Harbert 

Like nobody. Except I did

Adrienne Hill 

that. It was nuts. It was nuts. So so just to give you guys that frame of reference, remember 2018 through the day of my wedding and 2020 I was riding the struggle bus in circles in three years. I brought in $12,208 that month that my first summit launched, I brought in 10,822. That's awesome. So for me to have my first $10,000 month immediately, I was like, oh, oh,

Mark Harbert 

you tapped into the gold. You know,

Adrienne Hill 

this is this is the thing, what and here's the other thing that I loved about it. I'm, I'm a happy, bubbly, talkative, outgoing person I love like chit chatting like this. I'm not terribly introverted. I'm, but I hate social media. I'm just going to confess I'm like, like, my time is my most valuable resource. And I hate waste feeling like I'm wasting time. And a lot of times like, you know, social media can just suck you in. And four hours later, you're like, what happened? I haven't eaten like. And so I just really wanted to stay away from social media. So what I love about the strategy is that I mean, you can essentially run a business and never use social media at all. Yeah. So for the introverts out there, for the people who struggle being consistent, right for the people who just don't want to share their entire life on social media, or you don't want to be pumping money into ADS. 24/7 Like, there is another way. Yeah. No, that's awesome. And so for the first two years of my business, I didn't use social media at all, because I didn't need to. Yeah. I started dabbling on Tik Tok recently, just because to me, tic TOCs fun. Yeah, and sure, I'll do things that are fun, you know. Yeah. And with repurpose IO, I can make it go everywhere all at once, which is awesome. But outside of that, I really don't use social media because I don't need Yeah. And I like, yeah.

Mark Harbert 

Well, and what I love about what you're sharing today is that, you know, you tapped into your unique strength, you know, something that, you know, you already had, you know, background in and you made it work for you. You know, and that is such an important thing. And I wish we have a mutual friend Eddie via, you know, that he's amazing. at it. Yeah, he's just such a great guy. But Eddie, is he that's what he preaches about, you know, really tapping into your strength and operating from that. And I think, you know, I look at you and I think that same thing, you know, you can't you found your thing. And you made it so good. And your project manager by background, now that you're talking about, that's why it was so organized, like it was so on. And I even remember writing Lia, and I'm like, wow, she's different. Like, she's doing this very differently. And I kinda like it. It's pretty cool. You know? Yeah. And so, you know, we may be talking at some point, I'm gonna want to do one of those. But yeah, anyway. So um, let's talk about this for a second. So like, obviously, you have clients and people you work with when you do summits? Like, how do you what's what's kind of if somebody wanted to do a summit, and they just wanted to kind of start moving in that direction? Like, what would be some of the steps you would you would start moving them toward? Yeah, so

Adrienne Hill 

I have a program called the skill scale, which is where I teach all of these things. Because it gives you all the skills that you need to scale to your first six figures in business. Yeah, now I have a separate one called structured to scale. If you're already bigger, and you are already earning 50,000 or more, and you have a support team, there's this, I have a separate program for those people because they have different needs, right? Yeah. But when you're first getting started with this kind of strategy, you have to make sure that you're clear on what I call the business foundations. You have to know who you are, who you serve, what you stand for, who your ideal prospect is. And, you know, in my mind, the ideal client, there's not just one they live on a continuum, if you will, yeah. There's like a continuum of ideal clients, you at least have to know those basics, right? You have to have a really solid offer. Yes. Something that's capable of generating a five figure launch. Tons of people think they're gonna have a five figure six figure launch with like a tiny offer. And I'm like, No. Like, no, your monthly membership is not going to make you a million dollars. Right? Not unless you're Tony Robbins, then sure, yeah. So you have to have your foundation set out, you have to have your offer figured out your pricing, your structure of it, it doesn't even have to be created. Yeah, you just have to have the outline and the marketing for it. Yeah. Is really all you need. Yeah. And you need, in my opinion, some sort of a book to call funnel some way that people can meet with you to see what you got. Yeah. If you have those things set up, you can run it something. Yeah. That's awesome.

Mark Harbert 

Yeah, and it's, I love what you said too, about, you know, just an outline. And I've been a course creator for gosh, probably 10 years now. And every time I've ever done a workshop, or a course or something in my audience, the first thing I do is I sit down, open the pattern outline the whole thing, like, what am I gonna talk about? And I, that's the place to start, you know, the key that I would always caution people against doing that is don't always be in planning mode. Like, yeah, at some point, you got to move into actually doing it. You know, and I love what you said earlier about your coach and how you got on the phone with her. She's like, what's the price? I don't know yet. I'll let you know. I'll let you know that is awesome. Like, I'm like, I mean idea of like, jump out of the plane and figure out how the parachute works on the way down. Like

Adrienne Hill 

that's, that's really what I tell all my clients to do. If you have an outline of your offer, like you know, what's going to be in there. It doesn't exist yet. But you know what it was going to be? You know what the price is? And maybe we'll have the first few weeks of content are complete. Yeah, just something to keep people busy. You sell it first. Yeah, create it second. Yeah. Yep. Think you're not able to sell it. And there's no sense going to create it. Yeah, I love that. There's nothing more motivating to make you go out and create when 10 People just bought it at $3,000. And you have $30,000 in the bank, and you're going

Mark Harbert 

I gotta go make this now. I don't want to give this all back.

Adrienne Hill 

Looks like I'm making it right. And hey, talk about fire under your butt. Yeah. So sell it first creative second.

Mark Harbert 

Yeah. You, you bring up a great point, because I remember this is probably six, seven years ago. And I remember I had this idea for a course, you know, and you know, my audience, and I would really, you know, I'd had a really great audience. And I'm like, I want to teach about and I called my course, the entrepreneurial journey. And it was really a mindset style course. It was all about how to think like a business owner and things like that. And I'm like, this is going to be the best course I've ever done. I'm so excited to do this. And I launch it, and I'm like, my audience is gonna love this. And it was a total. Like, it was like, I normally would launch something and I'd get to 300 people jumping on board on stuff easily. And I think I sold 26 Have these. And the price point was very little actually, I like and you're like sucks. Now I'm going to spend the next five weeks doing it, but I'm gonna put everything I got into it. And so the people, they thought it was appeasing.

Adrienne Hill 

Yeah, yeah. And you know, even still, even when you have those circumstances, yeah, that can always make a heck of a bonus to some other program that you have. Right.

Mark Harbert 

Like, I still use it today for bonuses. So

Adrienne Hill 

there you have it, like it's never a waste. It's never a

Mark Harbert 

waste. And I love that you brought that up, because I think that's important. Like, you know, especially as entrepreneurs, like, you're going to do things that are going to flop, there's things that you're going to do that are not always gonna go right. But it's like, okay, well, that didn't work. You know, I think there's a lot, there's so much great learning and things that flop just as much as when things go, right. Yeah. And you really, if you start looking at it in that way, you know, even when you have an expectation and then doesn't get met, you know, you just have to keep plugging away. You have to,

Adrienne Hill 

to me, that to me, that falls in the category. I always tell my clients, there are four key hurdles that every entrepreneur will face over and over and over again. And that's one of the four The first is always fear. Yeah. And you can encounter fear, like 22,000 different ways, right? Like it never goes away. The second is always a willingness to invest in yourself. Yeah, time or money, or both. Right. A lot of people struggle with that. The third is personal leadership. I actually see, at least 50% of people fail because they have no personal leadership. Yeah, they can't commit to themselves. They can't like commit to business hours. They can't show up for themselves. They have no structure in their life. They're just like willy nilly blowing in the breeze. And then they fail, right? Yeah. And even if you make it past all three of those, the fourth one that almost gets ya, is the grit and resilience, that stubbornness, that you have to have to persevere even when everything just goes to crap. Yeah.

Mark Harbert 

That is the one that I think can make all the others eventually, at some point, come to life, even if you're sucking at all of those along the way. You have the perseverance and the grit, you can figure it out. You can

Adrienne Hill 

figure it out. Yeah, yeah. It's grit. And perseverance is like the number one. If you have that you can succeed as an entrepreneur, like hands down.

Mark Harbert 

Yeah, you probably you can't see it here. But if you look, let me see if I can get it. See this. Persistence. That's I love that because I remind myself of that every single morning. Like, I love that. That's. Yeah. And I mean, it's like, because that is really what it comes down to. Like, if you want to do this, you got to stick with it. Yeah, there's no free lunch. But I'll tell you what it is. You got to work hard. And but I'll tell you the payoff is huge. It really Yes. And like you said at the beginning, you know, you're not a good employee. Once you taste the freedom. You're not like you're really not. No, no. And I've often said to is, and I've seen this around, but as entrepreneurs, we'll work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week.

Adrienne Hill 

That's true. Will we ever my husband tells me all the time. He's like you're a workaholic. Are you doing and I'm like, but this is fun for me. Yes. Like it's, you know, it's fun. So then I just took that idea of like, how would I project manage the bejesus out of fill in the blank? Yeah. How would a project manager Summit? How would a project manager challenge how to add project manage a master class? And I just applied that to every everything I did. Yeah. And it was interesting. Now the thing of observing summit traffic that until you've hosted one yourself, you just have no idea. Wow. In terms of how it converts? Yeah. So I would say, general social media traffic, two out of 10 paid ads, two out of 10 You know, webinars or master classes, maybe three or four out of 10 Yeah, maybe a challenge or a workshop might get you like five out of 10 maybe six out of 10 If you're really good. Yeah, some of it traffic. Nine out of 10 Wow, that's awesome. Every time like it's crazy. How like you have not felt hot traffic until you felt somewhat trapped Wow.

Mark Harbert 

All right, you've made me a believer.

Adrienne Hill 

So I pulled together some numbers for you can I share this? Like I've evolved right like sure making $10,000 in a month is exciting when you're brand new, but if you're further on, you're like snooze fast move on like that is not exciting, right? But for brand new person it was but I also like tweaked and perfected and tweaked and perfected and tweaked and project managed the crap out of this. Right so my first summer It brought in $10,822. Of course, I was delighted for the first time I truly believed in myself. Yeah, my second summit, right. I improved it a little bit, tweaked some things. Second summit brought in 18,736. Awesome, great. Third summit 20,362. And then I activated what I call a hyperdrive funnel, and came up with this very specific funnel that you can attach to summit traffic, where you can attach it to anything, but it's especially good for summit traffic. So then with my fourth summit 37,744, this is in a single month. Yeah. Okay. And my fifth summit 77,400. Wow. Yeah, that's awesome. In about a two week, these are all in about a two to three week time period.

Mark Harbert 

That's awesome.

Adrienne Hill 

That's crazy. Good. So see the progression

Mark Harbert 

of how you just get a little bit better, a little bit better. See, this is why I like to, and I love that you're sharing this because so many people think that, you know, the jump to the I've heard it referred to as the Quantum Leap idea. It's like, you can go from one thing to like, massive success, but you look at like your numbers that you just shared, and it's like a little bit more, a little bit more getting better, better, better. And every time you just you keep tweaking it, making it better. And next thing you know, you know, you're you're knocking it out of the park doing more in one month than most people make in a year.

Adrienne Hill 

Yeah. Yeah, that's, that was that was really eye opening that the interesting thing. So if you saw my fourth summit brought in 37,744. Yeah, this this, it wasn't a summit month, my summer months are always my biggest months of the year. Because 10 out of 10 traffic or nine out of 10 traffic, right. Um, but it was a non summit month, right after the summit month, exceeded my previous summit month, we brought in like 40 41,000 or something. Wow. And it wasn't even, we just had like average 100 and traffic coming in, because all of our systems have not been streamlined. So effectively. Yeah, you know, just flows in the hyperdrive is activated, and it just it runs, you know, just kind of and the part that I love about this, all this all this money that I'm talking about this, it wasn't like me hustling in the DMS to make this happen. And this was literally leads flow in the book themselves onto my calendar proactively. I just show up for the call and close them. Yeah. That's it. That's what I call the effortless enrollment funnel. Yeah, I love that. So yeah, we I was not manually hustling for any of this.

Mark Harbert 

I, you know, it's like spend six to eight hours a day in Messenger or, you know, spend an hour or two a day, you know, just looking at stuff and seeing how it's going. Yeah, and wait for the calls, you know?

Adrienne Hill 

Yeah. And it's funny. The way we run our calls or art. When someone's on a sales call, they don't even know they're on a sales call. They feel like they're on a coaching call, because we run them as coaching calls. follow very closely what time Lea do Yeah, very smart people. I learned a lot from them. And it's interesting, because a lot of people if they can close a sales call at 10 to 25%. Like they're feeling really good. Yeah. Our team average, especially with summit traffic, is between 40 and 80%. Close. Wow. That's amazing. Yeah, that's phenomenal. It's just different traffic. Yeah. I don't know how else to explain it. Yeah. You have not felt hot traffic until you felt some attraction.

Mark Harbert 

Yeah. Hey, you know what it really is. I mean, you know, when you when the marketing is done properly, you know, you it really is, it's a whole different thing, but I love but the idea of a summit too, is people are getting so much value. And I've seen this in certain ways, too. I mean, you know, the what I love about the summit idea is there's so many things that have to happen before somebody's willing to buy. And with the summit, you're indoctrinating you're giving value your you're doing all these things that, you know, there's all a lot of people will set up different automations and things to do these things. But in that type of a setting, you're doing all of that one. You know, one thing, it's like kind of the one package.

Adrienne Hill 

Yeah, and the audience just has a blast. Yeah, like honestly, they have so much fun with it. We get tons of emails with people being like, this was the coolest thing I've ever done. I'm so excited that I said yes. And clicked into that link. Like if you ever get invited to a summit go and actually participate like they're super fun. Well, depending on who sets them up.

Mark Harbert 

That it really is like I'm telling you like I was you really shifted my mind on on him because I had been part of several of them and they just were never really that great, but yours was very, very different. So no, that's, that's amazing. So I love that. And I think that, you know, you you definitely have some plenty to offer people what were some of the places people can find you your blog or?

Adrienne Hill 

Yeah, so here's the interest. Here's the interesting thing. I I use this summit strategy, I call it playing the long game and the short game at the same time. Yeah. So what I do, I take all the interviews from all these summits, all the trainings, everything that's submitted, and I hold on to him for about a year. And then I repurpose them as an episode of The impactful Entrepreneur Show. Yeah. So I have like, a lot of people struggle to keep a show running or a podcast running, because it's hard to find, like speakers, it's hard to find people to interview or talk with. I have show episodes lined up on average, 18 to 24 months in advance. That's awesome. Like,

Mark Harbert 

when that's a theme, like if you're constantly creating content, you're never at a loss. And then the fact what makes podcast so great, too, is kind of what we're doing here interviewing, talking, you know, discussion, but with the summit idea, you're that's what you're doing. You're interviewing people. I mean, I can see how that can be such a great way to have tons of content for

Adrienne Hill 

so yeah. So the impactful Entrepreneur Show, it's, it's on YouTube, it's on all the podcast platforms. I have a blog for it. It's basically fed. It's basically just like old interviews from summits. I mean, they're all super high value. I just purposely hold on to them to make sure that the people who bought the VIP tickets in the summit, they get it hot off the press, everyone else has to wait. Yeah, right. Yep. And so the fun thing is because I use that to feed my show, then what I do any show episode, I slice it and dice it 2030 different ways. And that becomes all my social media content. Yeah. Right. Yep. So because of that I host two summits a year well, two big ones, two big ones, two small ones. So anywhere from two to four times a year, I create content. That's it. It's amazing. And so now I've systematize my content creation. Yeah, because I'm just slicing and dicing the summits. I've launched a show by repurposing the summits. Right. And I only create content anywhere from two to four times a year, because everything revolves around summits. So the same strategy that grows my email list, sends in floods of clients. fills all of my workshops, challenges masterclasses, right, because I have like a huge audience in my email list now. It feeds my show, and it feeds my social media. All with one strategy.

Mark Harbert 

Yeah, that's phenomenal. I mean, like, you know, because we know the internet runs on content. I mean, you gotta be putting something out there. But when you can kind of get it all together and work it all together. I mean, it really makes it so much more easier to produce, you know, in you're not sitting there have to think through every day like, Okay, what am I going to make a video about today? Or what are we going to do about this today? It just makes it so much more seamless. So I love that idea. Yeah, with the summit, so that's awesome. So they definitely check out your podcast and get on that. That's for sure. Yeah. Yeah. So the impactful entrepreneurs that what was the impact

Adrienne Hill 

of Entrepreneur Show? Yep. I love it. You can find me on YouTube. I think I've just there under Adrian Hill, I should maybe rebrand it to the impact Entrepreneur Show, but whatever. It's my name. It is what it is. And it's so funny, because so many people get so hung up over how many social media followers they have. Yeah. At the point when I made my first six figures, I had less than 200 followers. And we're scaling to half a million now. And I still have less than 2000. Like, yeah,

Mark Harbert 

it is the biggest, the biggest I what you're saying right now to me is the biggest misconception people have when they do online marketing is they look at people's followers, subscribers, list size, all that and they think that equals money. It really doesn't like it doesn't. I mean, I know people that make multiple six figures on a very tiny email list. They have a fervent audience, they know what their audience is. And you know how it is so but I love that you bring that up, because I think that's super important that people know that use all that stuff means nothing. It's about communicating value making periodic offers, things like that, that really bring in the the income, you know, yeah.

Adrienne Hill 

So And honestly, with every summit that I host, I add about 1000 hot people to my email list. So it's not cold traffic. I mean, this is like nine out of 10 traffic, right. So I had about 1000 people per Summit. And then, of course, we went through the money side of that as well. Now the fun thing about this, it was great for launching i mean i On my beta program, I brought in six figures in six months. Because once I had that hot summit audience, yeah, then and I had a little bit of cash in my pocket. Yeah, right. Then I just repeated some webinars, some challenges, some activities and workshops. Right. And I yeah, I spent a little bit on ads, but it was like, tight, tight. Yeah, right, just just to supplement a little bit here and there. So for almost no ad spend at all, a beta launch on my program made six figures in six months, right, which is really great. I launched another program this past year, off the back of a summit. Same thing, again, six figures in six months, right. Now the great thing as we're scaling now, so it's a great strategy for launching. But now as I'm scaling, and I'm looking for more and more leverage more and more free time, because my husband has health issues, I want to be hanging out with him. I don't want to be working all the time. Right. So as we work on scaling, the nice thing about summits, 90% of the work can be outsourced or delegated to your support team, or you can hire it out if you want whatever. All you really need to do as the host, is do that interviews, because of course you want your face on the screen with the person you're talking to. Everything else can be delegated. Yeah. So it's the hardest traffic you can find and 90% of the work can be delegated?

Mark Harbert 

Yeah. Well, I think to once you've done it several times, you learn to templatized things. Like, like I have, I mean, it's like, you know, we were talking right before we came on to about like, we don't want to do anything unless we know there's a, you know, there's a path to automating or leveraging it in some way. I mean, I have just tons of campaigns where, you know, like, if I'm doing a live training, you know, if I'm just gonna invite people out to a live training, that whole thing is templatized. Like, oh, yeah, just plug in a few details. And that's it. Like, yeah, then you just hit play. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, publish, and it's ready to go. Because I don't want to be writing emails, like right up to the time of a training or all that stuff. When you have it all set up, it's super easy to do is from getting it going. But you know, so I love that. And I think that that is such a great thing. And I think, you know, one of the things I learned a couple years ago, and I share this this story quite frequently, but I went to a, an event with Tanya Eliza, I don't know if you know who Tanya, Tanya, she put on event and she had invited me to come out and speak at it. And I get there, and there's probably 50 people there. 95% of them are women. And I'm there. And I'm going through and I'm listening to all the speakers. And I'm like holy cow. Like these women are the most organized people I've ever seen. Like, I need to hire more women, what am I doing? Like, I need more women working for me, like that's awesome. And I was just like, and I honestly kind of went through this thing, because I'm fairly organized. But I'm certainly not to the level my wife is my wife is like, man, she is like the queen of organization. And so I don't know if it's something you ladies have that makes you so good at organizing and might be I don't know, but I just love how you organized what you did. So

Adrienne Hill 

maybe our brains are spaghetti. It's like every thought links to some other thought that's entangled with someone, I don't know.

Mark Harbert 

And then it goes, you know, and then it connects here and it gets done. So

Adrienne Hill 

I won't do anything in my business unless I can see a future pathway where it's streamlined and systematized and leveraged. Yes. If someone shows me a strategy that I can't streamline, systematize and leverage, I just say no, thank you.

Mark Harbert 

And that's, that is that is really what it comes down to, you know, I'm like, I'm the same way. Like, I don't want to like I want to be off with my family doing something that I love that I enjoy. And know that you know, I can have sales continue to come in or something is being, you know, done while I'm away. And that's the kind of business I think everybody wants. Sometimes they just don't know how to get there. You know? Yeah,

Adrienne Hill 

yeah. Now, one of the things that I love most about like streamlining, systematizing, turning things into templates, like that's, I mean, talk about shortening your learning curve, right? So for the clients we work with, who are wanting to learn how to host summits, we I give them my OCD level plan, of course, right? I give them my template, and quite a few of them have come back to me almost every single one actually, and said, I had three or four or five speakers say I, I've never been in an event this good. Like, oh, to learn how to do this. Right. And it's like, imagine having your very first one you ever do. Yeah. Have people give you that kind of compliment? Yeah. Right. Because then what happens? I mean, it happened with us and with Eddie and Leah. Like, you end up making friends with all the people that you interview. Yeah, I mean, it just it kind of happened. It just naturally happens. Yep. Next thing you know Oh, you're, you're speaking on each other staff, you're promoting each other stuff. And there's someone's launching. And all of a sudden, you have this big network of people around you, you're not a solo entrepreneur anymore. You got you had some friends, you got it, you got a crew, you know,

Mark Harbert 

and that people, you're bringing up a great thing that I don't think a lot of people really know or really comprehend a lot. But a lot of the success that people, especially the big leaders, you have you see out there in whatever niche they're in and online marketing. It's the network that they've built. It is a huge part of this is why I tell people like when they're when you have an opportunity to go to like a live event. If you ain't getting your butt in the seat and going and getting out there and getting to meet people and you know, have lunch, get a beer or something, you are really, really missing out like it is. And it's not even just that. I mean, like you and I we've never met face to face. I know we will at some point, I'm sure. Yeah. But it's like, you know, it really is just about connecting learning, help bring value to each other's audience. And when you have a cool thing that you think their audience can benefit from, they can promote it, you know, and it's like, that's how it works. And so, you know, I think that's just a great point that you're bringing up.

Adrienne Hill 

So yeah, you have an instant network of friends, you start getting invited to speak because you've invited tons of other people to speak, you start getting invited to speak. Yep. So for the person who's launching for the first time, it's a great way to build credibility build authority, right? But if you're further along, and you're scaling, it's a lot easier to scale when you're networked with a whole bunch of really cool, successful people who are on par with where you're at. Absolutely. No. Makes it a lot easier.

Mark Harbert 

Absolutely. Huge, huge. Well, Adrian, this has been such an insightful conversation. I've loved talking about it. And you and I are definitely going to talk because I think it's awesome. But yeah, go ahead.

Adrienne Hill 

I was just gonna say for the viewers watching, we do teach people how to host their own, of course, but we recognize there's a lot of people that are like, I totally want to do this. But I don't want to do this, like I want someone else to do it for me. We do actually have a team that will execute for you. If you're interested, and you just don't want to do it yourself. Like that's okay. Yeah, yeah, it's

Mark Harbert 

absolutely it's okay. Like, I think that's that's such a good, a good way to do it. But that's awesome. And yeah, I'm so final word. Any final words for people that are out there that are working hard to make this happen?

Adrienne Hill 

With this kind of like hidden little known strategy, you can launch and scale without any social media, without any paid ads, and in a way where 90% of the work can be delegated. And it's the hottest traffic you've ever seen. Yeah, I mean, in a nutshell, that's what I'd say about it.

Mark Harbert 

Yeah, she's, she's a believer, you can see.

Adrienne Hill 

Yeah, yeah. Yeah,

Mark Harbert 

Absolutely. Well, Adrian, it's been a pleasure having you out here. And thanks for coming on. And I hope you, you guys listening and really gotten value here, because there's some major nuggets in here. And I think the biggest thing that you should take away from this episode of Adrian, is really listening to what she said at the beginning. She tried and tried and tried. And she tapped into really what her strength was. And now look where things are going for you. And that is important. And so if you need somebody to help you tap into your strength, find a trusted person that you trust, to help you figure that out. Because I'll tell you coaching is I believe one of the best things you can do I have a coach that I work with. I mean, I I'm sure you have a coach to Adrian, we all have coaches. Yeah, I mean, it really is like, absolutely multiple, there's people I reach out to say, I have a Facebook ads coach, you know, if I need to know some about Facebook, hey, I want to buy an hour of your time. Let's connect. Like I want to pick you up. You know what I mean? And so you learn to kind of find out who's a good coach on what and go to him. But anyway, so appreciate you coming out. Thanks so much. You're amazing. And make sure you guys get with Adrienne check her out and connect with her. She's a phenomenal person and she's got great value to share. So thanks Adrian for coming out. You guys have a blessed one and we'll see in the next episode.


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