Everybody wants to be an expert. However, there are really only two big keys to being that expert.

Many have the perception that to be an expert in a chosen field that you need to know it all. Not true.

Knowledge is one thing, but being able to apply that knowledge is an entirely different story. Many people have book smarts, but few have street smarts.

In my more than 19+ years in the home business industry, I can break it down into at least two different points you should focus on if you want to be the expert people want to follow.

Be An Advocate and an Educator For Your Customers

This is huge. In today's transparent marketplace it is essential that you have their best interest at heart. Long gone are the days you could hide behind your keyboard and make sales hand over fist.

Social media has changed the game forever, and it's a good thing. You can use social media as a go-between with your customers to be their advocate and their educator.

How do you do that? Simple, through content creation. I did a blog post about why content creation is so important when marketing online.

There is a simple method you can use to become the expert and it's actually pretty simple.

First, you need to invest in your education consistently. Learning in today's world is an adventure.

You really want to develop a true love for learning. It's an ongoing process especially in today's world where the speed at which technology moves and evolves is hyper fast.

As you consistently invest in your education you need to apply that education in your own business or specific niche. Book smarts are great, but street smarts are even better.

Now, you go and teach it through content like videos, blog posts, and other types of content that connect with your audience.

As you do this and expand from there, you will find that people will begin to follow you and you will be viewed as the expert.

I believe one of the best ways to create expert status is through short videos sharing quick tips.

The cool thing is, you can be anywhere and do this due to modern-day technology in the palm of your hand…… a mobile phone.

Use technology to your advantage, and begin to communicate the message to your prospects, they will love you for it.

Become The Expert By Micro-Specializing

Have you noticed that doctors and even lawyers specialize in one area of their profession?

There are doctors that specialize in different areas of medicine just like there are lawyers that specialize in one area of law.

You should focus your efforts on one specific area and master it. There is a great book out there called “Differentiate or Die” and really helps you to understand that the riches are in the niches.

Hone your message around one specific area that people need help in and something that the market is willing to pay for and you will find that you will be viewed as the expert.

When you micro-specialize focus every bit of your energy on learning that particular strategy. This is what the hyper-successful people do, and you can do it too.

Becoming an expert is the name of the game in today's marketplace. It's not hard, you just want to follow a proven way to do it.

Did you get some value? Leave me a comment and let me know.

Additional Resources

✅ Magnetic Sponsoring Book - Learn More Here

This book changed my perspective on how to market online. I will NEVER market any other way online because of Magnetic Sponsoring. If you're in Network Marketing/Direct Sales, this book should be required reading.

✅ Learn, Launch, Lead Challenge – Learn More Here HIGH VALUE CONTENT

If you really want to learn what it takes to build a thriving online business then I highly recommend this 5 day Challenge from Legendary Marketer. Get a million dollar education for only $5!

You rock,

PS: Want to work directly with me? Click Here

    2 replies to "How To Become The Expert People Want To Follow"

    • Awesome. I did a post almost about what you are saying last year. Is about Branding yourself. How importnat is to serve others with what you know and become an expert.
      thanks for the post
      Cesar Avila

    • Adele Ziminski

      short and sweet. Great advice that I can put into action today!

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