If you have been around the online marketing world for any length of time, then you know it's constantly evolving and changing.

The cool thing about online marketing is that while strategies change, the underlying fundamentals never change.

Every single method of lead generation is based on reaching out to other people to expose them to your business via a message that you need to communicate.

One of the best ways to do this is via video marketing. Places like YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many other video-sharing sites are the primary way to get your message out to the masses and build trust and rapport at the same time.

While these methods are still super effective today, and I highly recommend them, there is one video marketing strategy that is of vital importance when it comes to audience building…


Without question, one of the quickest and fastest strategies to building online today is LIVE video via Facebook LIVE, Periscope, and soon to be YouTube LIVE.

Here are a few of my best tips along with my latest Facebook LIVE to help you start rocking this robust strategy.

Get Rid of The Fear

The biggest concerns people have are caring too much about what others might think about you. Another is worrying that you will sound or look stupid.

Fear holds too many people back from achieving their potential in their business. The same is true with doing Live videos because the potential upside is enormous compared to the fears you might experience.

I truly believe Nike had it right when they said “Just Do It” because after you do a few live videos, you will realize it's not that hard, and you begin to find your groove.

Provide Solutions To Your Target Markets Problems

What are the solutions to your market's problems? Do you know? If not you need to figure that out.

One of the biggest areas of struggle with people trying to market online is not being clear on who they are talking too.

When your message is watered down, so will be your results.

Talking to a particular market segment is crucial to getting results. Remember, you are not looking for everybody, only a tight-knit group of people that love your message and what you are sharing.

Watch the Facebook LIVE video below and you will see what I am referring too.

Choose A Set Time Every Day

I believe what is crucial to succeeding with live video is selecting a time every day to do your broadcasts. Not only will you build a thriving audience every day, but you will also be creating one of the most loyal fans that trust you.

Just like a TV show is on at a particular time so the audience knows when to show up, so should be your broadcasts.

Not only does this build a great audience, but it also allows the people who can't be on live to catch the replay on your page like clockwork.

It's Not About How Many Are On LIVE!

I didn't mention this int he video, but I wanted to point this out. It's not about how many are on the broadcast live really, because when you do a live video, more people will see the replay than the actual live show.

Why? Because Facebook, in particular, gives preference to LIVE video in the news feed.

I believe when YouTube launches their LIVE video also, this will be the case there as well.

You will see live videos ranking in YouTube much faster than static videos you upload.

Call it a hunch, but I think that will be the case. Let's see if I am right. 😉

Here is my most recent Facebook LIVE that goes even deeper into these concepts, I suggest you watch it in its entirety, there are some Gold nuggets you don't want to miss.

If you get value, please feel free to leave me a comment and share with your friends.

You rock,

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Mark Harbert

PS: Have You Check Out My Free Video Marketing Video Series Yet? Click Here To Access Video One

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