We've talked a lot about Lead Generation on this blog.

And of course, the reason for that is simple. Lead generation is the lifeblood of your business. It's as important as the air to your lungs. Without leads, you have no business, and you can't make sales.

However, what happens once you get a lead?

Way too many people make the great mistake of generating leads and then ignoring them. Getting a prospect to opt-in and join your email list is just the beginning. Now you've got to get them attached to you. Take them from lukewarm to red hot & ready to purchase your offer.

But don't be intimidated, because it's not as hard as you might think. After all, they've already got one foot in the door. Now you've just got to get them to come in, feel comfortable, and sit down for a glass of wine! 😉

The best part, there are only a few things that you need to do, and I'm going to show you what those are right now! It's all-around 3 easy concepts that you'll understand right now.

Steps to Get Your Subscribers Sold On YOU… and Your Offers!

Step #1: Stay in Front of Them

In his great book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”, Dr. Robert Cialidini has this important line: “Familiarity can be induced at an unconscious level through repetition

The first and one of the most important steps to making a new friend is familiarity. Familiarity is the starting point for KNOWING someone. And let's not forget, you MUST develop Know, Like, and Trust if you want your leads to buy from you or join your opportunity.

I underlined the word “repetition” because that's key! To build familiarity, you MUST stay in front of your leads. This means you'll want to send them DAILY emails (especially in the beginning!)

People these days have very fickle attention spans. Once they leave your site,  even if they become a “lead”, they're likely to forget about you pretty quickly if you don't REPEATEDLY stay in front of them.

So you'll want to set your auto-responder up to send out an email for the first 7 to 10 days. And don't worry about emailing too much. At least if you stay true to Step #2…

Step #2: Be Interesting!

Do you like people who aren't interesting? Me neither. And you absolutely want your leads to like you so they'll take that next step.

How do you stay interesting to your leads? It's actually pretty simple. In his book: The Robert Collier Letter Book, Mr. Collier says one thing that if followed will help you always stay interesting.

“Always enter the conversation already taking place in your customer's mind!”

In our case that means talking about your customer's struggles…and that you understand them. That you can help them fix their pressing problems.

Being interesting also means being entertaining. There's a reason that Beyonce, or Matt Damon, or Alex Rodrigues make millions. Because they entertain millions.

One simple way to do this is through stories. People love stories. Do you know who's way more wealthy than any of those names mentioned above? Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and James Cameron! Why? The power of story.

Just always remember that your prospects are always looking for What's In it for Me! Your stories must relate back to their struggles or they won't find them interesting 😉

Step #3: Benefits VS. Features + ASK for the Sale

At some point, you're going to want to get your prospects to buy what you have or join you. That's the main objective of the game here. The part that loads up your bank account.

Most people mess this up. First, they're afraid to ask their prospects to buy something. But if you've done all the above, you've already set yourself up so that this part is monumentally easier.

Secondly, marketers go on way too long about the features of their products. All your prospect really wants to know is HOW the product will help THEM.

The fact that your opportunity is “ground floor”, with products harvested in a rare tree in the Amazon, with 27 different nutrients is cool and all… but what's the mean for your prospect?

What's cooler is the fact that it'll help them start earning an additional $2K a month so they can pay their mortgage and won't be so stressed about money.  They can enjoy life more.

And once they start using products that your opportunity offers, they'll finally have energy without that afternoon slump, and they'll start losing weight faster so they'll look good in that bikini this summer.

That's what they care about!

So there you go. That's how you get your prospects from lukewarm to red-hot and foaming at the mouth to buy your products or join your opportunity!

Additional Resources

✅ HBA Funnel Builder – Learn More Here

All in one funnel builder for capture pages, product creation, and selling products. If you are just starting out and looking for the right tools I recommend this tool. The owners are AMAZING people and good friends.

✅ Copywriter's Playbook - Learn More Here

"The Copywriter's Playbook" is a comprehensive guide designed to teach the art of crafting irresistible offers and effective advertising across any platform. It focuses on taking control of lead generation and customer acquisition, aiming to increase sales and build a strong personal brand. This is one of those skills YOU NEED TO MASTER!

✅ Learn, Launch, Lead Challenge – Learn More Here HIGH VALUE CONTENT

If you really want to learn what it takes to build a thriving online business then I highly recommend this 5 day Challenge from Legendary Marketer. Get a million dollar education for only $5!

If you got value from this post leave me a comment and feel free to share with your friends.

You rock,

PS: Want to work directly with me? Click Here

    5 replies to "How to Move Your Leads from Lukewarm to RED HOT Buyers"

    • Michael Kidzinski

      The only thing that I can add to what you shared here Mark is that by doing all the things it’s important to keep in mind to treat people like people with all their needs and problems.

      What I try to say is that a lot of times when people start building their lists their think only about numbers and money and forget that we talk about people, not digits and email addresses.

      Great blog post Mark, as always.

    • Jalia Dhalwa

      Very well said Mark. Need to connect first then punch.

    • Thanks for this. Michael noted a very important point. Many are too concerned about the sign ups that they fail to realize that they are actually talking with realtime people. The leads want to feel cared for, they want to see that you feel what they feel basically because they want to be able to resonate with what you say (your story). Building relationships with the leads is key as well as staying in their faces, making your business or opportunity known and letting them into how your business or opportunity can help them.

    • Emeldah Matengo

      Thanks so much for this Mark, I have been collecting so many contacts but not get to buy my products…. Am pretty sure these 3 things will help get my sales done

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