Has this ever happened to you? 

You sit there slaving away over a piece of content… Maybe a blog post, a video, that you know people will absolutely love. 

You put your heart into it. And then you post it with tons of excitement, and then… you wait. And you wait. And you wait. 

What the heck? No views. No page visits. Nada! What the heck happened? 

Well, the truth is that if people aren’t already beating down a path to get to your newest content, then you’ve got to simply get it out in front of THEM. 

Because let’s face it. If nobody sees your content, then it does you no good right? It doesn’t help you build your audience, get leads, or get sells! 

You may as well have never created it in the first place. It’s like a tree that falls in the forest. If nobody is there does it make a sound? Who knows.

What we do know is that if nobody is there to see your content, then it will never help you get exposure, create authority, and make you money. 

So today we’ll jump into the techniques to promote your content and get your target market consuming it! 

5 Techniques to Promote Your New Content to Your Target Market! 

We’re going to go backward, because they’ll all lead to one another, and #1 is something rarely talked about.  

Technique #5: Share It On Social Media! 

Duh right? Well, that depends on if you’re doing it or not. 

The fact is that with BILLIONS of people hanging out on social media, the chance that your target market is there too is undeniable. They ARE there. And it’s the perfect place to get your content right in front of them where they’re hanging out the most! 

    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter 
    • Pinterest 
    • Snapchat

Social media is where they’re at, so it’s where your content should be promoted. 

You can create posts on your profile. You can tease your content inside any groups you’ve created, and the groups in your niche that you belong to. 

Again this is where your audience is hanging out and it’s the perfect place to start to prime the pump and get eyeballs to your newest content quickly! 

Technique #4: Recycle Your Content (and Automate the Process!) 

The truth is that when you do share your content on social media, not everyone who can see it will see it. Algorithms can be wacky. 

And the fact that you’re continuously building your audience, means that you’ll always have new peeps who need to see it. (You are continuously building your audience aren’t you?)  

When it comes to content, you want a long-term plan in your mind. You want content that will be out there forever. That’s where the organic aspect comes into play with search engines and such. But that’s the slow way right? 

You want eyeballs to your content right away! 

So here’s how you can get that flowing faster and keep eyeballs coming to your content. Let’s say you create a video or blog post today. 

What you can do is use tools such as Hootsuite, MeetEdgar, or PostPlanner and set up that content to go out in 90 days from now. 

Then the people who saw it already can be reminded of it again (because let’s face it, attention spans are short these days!) And chances are those people who have seen it will likely get something new from your video. 

The people who didn’t see it can now see it for the first time. So old content isn’t old content to THEM anymore. It’s fresh to them! 

BONUS TIP: If you want to mix it up, you can also re-purpose existing content on different platforms. Meaning you can turn a blog post into a video, or vice versa. And then release that. 

This gives you even more miles for every piece of content that you create! 

Technique #3: Paid Ads! 

Yes I know, paid ads are scary. But NOT if you know how to do paid ads effectively. In fact, you can promote your content for $1 to $5 bucks a day, and get a rush of new eyeballs to it when you use paid advertising. And it won’t break the bank. 

If FAST is more your speed when it comes to results, Paid Ads are the way to go! 

For instance, if you have a brand new blog post, and you want to immediately get people consuming it you can post an inexpensive Facebook Ad and start reaching highly targeted prospects quickly. 

Or if you’ve just posted a new YouTube video, you can use Google Ads and start getting people quickly to your new video. (Hint: That will also boost your ranking power with YouTube!) 

Everybody fears paid ads. However, it's one of the best tools you can use in your business for quick results…while your competition is waiting around for organic reach! 

Technique #2: Build an Email List

If you’ve followed me for any period of time, then you know how important this is for your business. 

You see, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc can shut you down with one click of a button. And there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s their platform, they make the rules, and they enforce them however they want it seems. 

However, your email list is YOUR list. You own it and it’s your #1 asset to your business. 

It’s also the place where the people who already know, like, and trust you most are already at. These are people who willingly joined your list SO that they won’t miss the new content you're putting out. 

So all your new content should go out to your email list. It can be the FASTEST way to get new eyeballs to any content you produce, and even make you sales or get you new reps for your business! 

And if you’re not building an email list…TODAY is the day to start! 

Technique #1: Re-send to Non-Opens on Your Email List

Okay, this is a sneaky one that hardly anyone is doing, or even talking about. Maybe because it’s so powerful. 

The fact is, when you send an email out, between 80 and 90 percent of the people you send to simply aren’t going to open it for one reason or another. 

Maybe they didn’t see it come through. Maybe they were busy right then, or at work and couldn’t open. Maybe they didn’t like your subject line and it didn’t appeal to them. 

But none of that means it’s over. 

You can simply resend your email to ONLY the people who didn’t open your email. You can even change up the subject line and hit them from a different direction. 

And then guess what…ONLY about 10 to 20 percent will likely open that one. That’s okay, you can just do it again. Send the email again to the ones who didn’t open that one. 

What you’re doing is systematically narrowing down your list, and getting to the people who haven’t yet opened.

This is powerful and you’ll quickly see a huge spike in your video views, blog visitors, etc using this technique! 

You Now Know the Proven Techniques to Promote Content (and Have No Excuse for Any Content You Create to Not Get Tons of Eyeballs to It Fast!)

Now you know what to do. You can do this with your very next piece of content. OR why wait? Go ahead and find an old piece of content. 

Get some eyeballs to it and get the ball rolling! 

You rock,

PS: Want to work directly with me? Click Here

    1 Response to "5 Proven Techniques to Promote Content, Build Your Audience, and Get More Leads!"

    • Christopher Duncan

      Great Blog Post. Want to know what video software you use to create the professional looking captions?

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