If you are looking for ways to build your email list, then these three simple strategies will help you to build a list quickly.

You know that if you're in a home business of some sort, your main business asset will be your email list. I have gone into great depth on this blog as to why this is the case.

Without prospects, without people viewing your opportunity information regularly, you will never make money in your business. It seems easy enough right?

Well unfortunately most home business owners struggle with this and because of it most end up quitting.

So let's get into the best ways to build your list quickly, shall we?

Strategy #1 – Your Warm Market

YIKES! yup, I said it, at first, you should expose your warm market if you have a product or your business would potentially have an appeal to them.

If you go around online, you will hear people say, the warm market doesn't work anymore and the fact is, it's simply not true.

The warm market does work, but you will certainly need to start learning some other strategies as you progress through them.

As a new person in the industry, this is where you must start. If you have never gone through your warm market, you need to do that now.

You literally could have a gold mine in your warm market and not even know it. You simply put together a list that includes everybody you know in your total sphere of influence. Heck, the first place would be your Facebook friends and you can progress from there.

Start with a goal of 100 names and add to the list as you go. This is not hard to do as most people have more friends on their Facebook friends list where you can start right away.

After you have done that, you can then begin to look at other options.

Strategy #2 – Cold Market Prospecting

This one is a bit bolder in my opinion. When I went through my initial warm list this is where I turned.

Now this works, because I have seen people do it very successfully. You can use this approach in either affiliate marketing or network marketing or really any business model where someone might benefit from your product.

Now, a lot of people will say this doesn't work, I say, bull to that. I have used this strategy and signed up a lot of people doing this faithfully.

The reason most say it doesn't work is because it takes putting yourself out there and you need to really be a good networker and not let the “NO's” get to you, because you will get them I promise.

A lot of organizations have been built where people used primarily the cold market.

For me, I can't stand it…..lol. Just because I did it, doesn't mean I like it. I did it because I saw other people doing and building huge teams.

The key is finding what works for you, and going for it.

If you want to get more info on recruiting in the cold market, my buddy Ray Higdon and Chris Carroll put together a really cool product that can help anyone master this form of marketing.

Chris is a genius when it comes to recruiting in the cold market. You can check it out here.

Strategy #3 – Passive Marketing To Your Email List

Now, this is a strategy that top earners use to build their businesses online. Another way you maybe have heard this described before is Attraction Marketing.

The difference between this strategy and the other two is that you actually get people to call and chase you, rather than you calling and chasing them.

How do you do this? It's actually a simple process. Basically, you do it through content creation. Content creation is a great way for people to get to know you and learn from you before they buy.

I have successfully implemented this in my business for the last 13 years now and it works beautifully.

Think about this, when you go online searching for information on solving a problem you look for blogs, videos, and other content to get your answer right?

What if you were the one they stumbled upon for their answer and in the process, they loved what you offered? You are immediately positioned as the expert in your field.

You rock,

PS: If you don't have a step by step blueprint for success then check this out (Unless you currently have to many leads and sales then you can handle) - Click Here

    20 replies to "Three Ways To Build Your List Used By Top Earners"

    • Jeffrey Kang

      Pretty simple stuff. It’s a lot like making new friends. Give them something for free. Buy them lunch. Follow up by asking them what they are doing. Converse with them. Ask them to check things out. When it comes time to make an offer, make it easy for them to buy stuff from you.

    • Great to see you’re standing up for the warm market approach Mark!

      In most cases approaching friends and family alone will not result in a top earner position, there’s no point in ignoring the potential right on your doorstep.

      Besides, those people already trust you, and it’s great to work with people you already have a relationship with!

      The ‘your warm market is dead’ line is just another one thrown around by the so-called ‘gurus’ to sell their products!

      Ultimately though, Attraction Marketing is the key to it all…

    • Alecia

      Excellent ways. You can dive into more details from this list. Leads, building a list and fans are all around. It’s what you do with them thqt enables you to have success. Treat it with respect and have an open mind and you will find success. Thanks for your tips.

    • Piyush

      Great post Mark. You make it so simple. Easy as 1-2-3. I agree that just because you’re doing internet marketing, you shouldn’t give up on the warm market. Just have to use a less pushy approach with them. Attraction marketing is so much fun. Keep up the great work.

    • Douglas Alp

      You covered all aspects If you can get all of theses methods you will be doing well in your business no doubt

    • Michael Berry

      Thanks for sharing your Three Ways To Build Your Network Marketing List Used By Top Earners post Mark. I would love for you to join my prosperyourmind tribe, if I haven’t already. There will be some great information to assist you in your personal development. Take care, Michael

    • Galen Morgigno

      Hi Mark, as always you have another great article here. Keep bringing the value to your followers. Looking forward to hearing more of your advice.

    • yveslanot

      GOod stuff Mark,

      If you think about it these are really all we need to focus on in network marketing. Cold Market is hard for some at the beginning because it’s really getting out of your comfort zone but when done a bunch of times does get easy.
      It’s all about getting as many NO’s as possible!

      In this business professionals sort and amateurs sell..

    • Denver Harris

      Great stuff, Mark!

    • Nathan Gonzalez

      Great Post Mark, Keep bringing the value my man!

    • Yolajw

      Great info Mark, as usual , keep on sharing :-).

    • Nicky

      Jim Rohn once said something like “it’s easy to eat an apple each day because we know it’s good for us, but it’s also easy NOT to eat it too…..” Internet and Network Marketing is all about taking action and doing it consistently and persistently and that’s why I use the same system as you, because it makes life a whole lot easier! Thanks for sharing Mark

      • Mark Harbert

        Nicky, you are a Rockstar, always grateful to be connected with you. Thanks my friend!


    • Wendy Elwell

      Great information on the different markets for leads. Always learn something new! Thanks for sharing!

      • Mark Harbert

        You got it Wendy, thanks for stopping by!!


    • Matt

      Love tip #3. Attraction marketing is where it’s at, that’s when everything changed for me in my online business

      • Mark Harbert

        Totally Matt, I couldn’t agree more. Learning the Attraction marketing formula change everything for me. I love marketing this way and will never do it any other way. Love it!!

        Thanks for stopping by buddy!!

        Mark Harbert

    • Andre Catnott

      Thanks for the tip Mark

    • Timothy W. Bethune

      Great help

    • Samuel Hyland

      I understand what you mean, I used to think the same way. But honestly, it's your mindset which is preventing you here. I say this because I thought the same as you. But it's not about spending $150 dollars on a product or whatever the cost. It's about what you are gonna learn. It's an investment in yourself. The things that Mark will teach you can allow you to earn much more than $150 a month! If you want to earn money then you need to be prepared to sacrifice and to invest in yourself. Mark himself also invested and continues to invest and to learn more and he teaches the strategies which work for him. I'm not trying to sell you whatever it is that Mark is suggesting, but I can assure you that if Mark is suggesting it, then the value and the benefit that you will recieve will far outway the investment. I suggest you contact Mark and have a chat with him, tell him your concerns, he is a down to earth person. Good luck in your marketing journey.

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