Your lead capture page is ONE of the essential tools to building your email list. After all, if you don't give your subscribers a reason to join your list…why the heck would they?
Nobody joins your list just to be nice to you!
They join your list because they want something that you have to offer. More importantly, they want the solution you have for their struggles. The more intriguing your solution, the more subscribers you capture.
What is a Lead Capture Page?
Your capture page is simply a page dedicated to getting people to subscribe to your list. This is different from your opt-in form on your blog or website.
A capture page eliminates distractions and pinpoints ONE offer to get your prospects to do ONE thing and give you their contact information.
Here is an example of one of my own captures pages that pulls subscribers like crazy.
I am talking 80-90% conversions on targeted cold traffic. YES, Cold Traffic!
4 Critical Elements to Create a High-Converting Lead Capture Page…
#1 – Your Offer (Lead Magnet)…
The first thing that you have to get right when it comes to your capture page is the OFFER. The “lead magnet” to get prospects to subscribe!!
If your offer isn't relevant to your target market or it isn't appealing enough to get them to act… then your lead capture page is dead in the water.
No matter how good your copy is, it won't work.
The right message to the right market is the key to success in every area of marketing.
- What's my target market's biggest struggle?
- What's keeping them from achieving their goal?
- What can YOU offer that can show them to change that FAST?
What will you give them?…
A report? A video? An audio? This is where you can get as creative as you want. But you must give them value, and you want to help them get a step closer to achieving their goals to build credibility.
I have found that a PDF is one of the best types of offers.
Why? Because it can be printed and people like tangible things they can hold in their hand. This makes it a and real thing they can take ownership of easily.
Take a look at this lead capture page below. You will notice that I am giving away a free “Checklist” or “PDF”.
This offer is very targeted and addresses a specific need that my target market has and that is a checklist they can follow for using YouTube for marketing.
A 10-day video boot camp, as well as long-drawn-out pieces of training, are really something that no longer works as well as they used to.
People's attention spans have gotten worse over the years. You want to give something quick, effective, and of high value to the end-user.
So as you can see my offer “Your Essential YouTube Checklist” is a very targeted and useful offer for my market.
Now one last VERY IMPORTANT point about your lead magnet is creating high perceived value by having a professional image created like the one in the image.
This is not expensive and can be done on Fiverr for about $10 so don't think you have to go and spend a fortune.
This is your opportunity to make a first impression and you want to wow your prospects.
I recently did a YouTube video all about coming up with effective lead magnet ideas that will help you get some killer ideas if you need them.
Let's move on to element #2, shall we?….
#2 – Your Lead Capture Page Headline…
This part is actually pretty simple because the example here for the headline is just using the “Subtitle” of the lead magnet.
This keeps it super simple and makes it very clear what they are getting when they opt-in and really highlights the subtitle which isn't able to be read very easily on the smaller image.
The biggest mistake people make on their capture pages is when they are not clear what people are getting. The more clear you are, the better the results.
If you've got the right message, to the right person, it doesn't have to be perfect. You don't have to be a pro copywriter to get this right!
If you use the simple formula above when you create your headline, you pretty can never go wrong.
Let's move on to another key part to an effective capture page…
This part is optional, but if you really want to soup up your capture page, if space permits, you'll want to give them the benefits of subscribing. You do that with simple bullets.
Take a look at the examples here on another one of my lead capture pages…
Bullets aren't as hard as you might think. Again if you're just starting out, you can use this simple formula to create YOUR bullets:
“How to {Feature} + {benefit}!”
- “How to create a capture page that pulls in leads like crazy so that you can start growing your business day after day!”
- “How to know exactly what to eat every day so that you can lose weight without even thinking about it!“
3 well-written bullets with the right message can skyrocket your conversion rates on your capture pages!
Now let's move on to the most important part of the capture page…
#4 – CALL TO ACTION (Tell Them What To Do!)…
This is the part that most people miss. You MUST tell your visitor/prospect what to do next, or you leave it to chance that they may do nothing.
In this case, if you want your visitor to subscribe you just tell them something like:
Enter Your Name and Email Address Below and Receive Your FREE GIFT!”
You can even do something like I have on my capture page in the example below…
“Get Instant Access” is a very effective call to action because it not only implies action but it also triggers that “I want it now” hot button.
Let's face it, we all love to get stuff right away, especially when we have a high perceived value on what we are downloading.
Lead Capture Page Final Tips and Tricks
Those are the critical elements to start pulling in insane amounts of subscribers from your capture page.
If any of the above are missing, your chances of having an effective lead capture page will be significantly lower.
This layout is the same layout I have used over and over again to get upwards of 80-90% conversion from cold traffic on my capture pages.
If you want a simple way to create capture pages that use this exact layout I recommend you get MLSP's Funnelizer as it's a simple capture page builder that doesn't require any programming knowledge or know-how.
You simply pick a template and start filling in the wording. It couldn't be any easier as this platform is built for simplicity.
One of the greatest ways to make sure your capture page converts is to make sure you have a compelling copy on your lead capture page that gets people to take action.
If you haven't grabbed my “Copywriting Power Words” power words PDF yet, you can do so by clicking the button below now. 👇
Resources Mentioned For Lead Capture Pages
✅ HBA Funnel Builder – Learn More Here
All in one funnel builder for capture pages, product creation, and selling products. If you are just starting out and looking for the right tools I recommend this tool. The owners are AMAZING people and good friends.
✅ OptimizePress Funnel Builder – Learn More Here
By far the best WordPress theme and funnel builder on the market. It's meant for marketers because it's created by marketers. It gets my highest recommendation and I use it on all my personal sites.
✅ Copywriter's Playbook - Learn More Here
"The Copywriter's Playbook" is a comprehensive guide designed to teach the art of crafting irresistible offers and effective advertising across any platform. It focuses on taking control of lead generation and customer acquisition, aiming to increase sales and build a strong personal brand. This is one of those skills YOU NEED TO MASTER!
Did you get value from this post? If so, leave me a comment and feel free to share with your friends.
You rock,
PS: Want to work directly with me? Click Here
6 replies to "Four Lead Capture Page Tips That Guarantee High Conversions"
It may seem like these points are obvious, but I have seen several pages and offers that don’t use this formula. For me, I haven’t opted in to many “offers”, but the ones I have do use this formula. I guess when you get an idea of what you are going to get, it makes it more interesting. Very unique topic Mark!
Awesome! I’ll model this on my next lead capture page. Thanks!
Awesome Carl, let me know how it goes.
As usual you throw tons of value our way. Thanks Mark for this valuable stuff about lead capture pages
Thanks for this. Very helpful. I definitely will be improving our “capture page” by following this formula! It all makes perfect sense. We have many improvements to make on our site. Thanks for your guidance. We did start offering to watch one of our videos from our course as a freebie as you suggested to me in a live, but we did not make it downloadable. Do we need to make it downloadable to get more opt ins, I wonder? Thanks!
Hi Brenda, glad you enjoyed this post. I wouldn’t make it downloadable. I mean, you could, but I don’t know that there is any real value to doing that. I usually just leave on the video host.