Alright, we’ve been diving deep into the psychology of a marketing funnel. 

Knowing the psychological elements allows you to make sure you have everything in place as you create your funnel, so you hit the mental triggers that will eventually get your prospects to act! 

If you haven’t seen it yet, you should GO THRU PART-1  HERE FIRST! 

Here in part two, we’re going to go through more of the psychological triggers. One thing to keep in mind is that any of these can be used throughout your entire funnel. But I want to show you where you’ll see it in play MOST! 

Here’s a quick recap of the first 3 Triggers we covered in Part 1: 

    • Trigger #1: Liking 
    • Trigger #2: Small Commitments 
    • Trigger #3: The Law of Reciprocation 

Now Let’s Get to the Rest of the Psychological Triggers in a Sales Funnel! 

Trigger #4: Commitment and Consistency 

So this would definitely be one of those psychological triggers that should be hit on throughout a funnel. 

It’s very similar to the small commitments that we talked about in Part 1 of this mini-series. You’ll see what I mean. 

Commitment and Consistency say that we like to stay consistent with the things we decide to commit to. One reason is that we as humans value consistency as a good trait in others. Therefore we like to hold ourselves to the same standard. 

The thought of being seen as inconsistent is a very strong motivation to stay consistent. 

It’s a quick and easy shortcut to decision-making. Because once we’ve committed, it’s much easier to do the things that lend to what you’ve committed to. 

The easiest example is all the politics we see online. 

Most people, for one reason or another, commit to one side or the other of the political aisle. 

Once they do, it’s very hard to sway them any other way, because they will then look (and feel) inconsistent in their views.  

It could also be a good argument to say that some people commit to not being a part of either side. And even they will stay consistent in displaying that as well. 

Commit and consistency work well in marketing too. The small commitment is a symptom of commitment and consistency in fact. Once they’ve decided that they’re committed to a view, they’re much more apt to take actions to stay consistent with that view. 

And the easiest way to use it is by making a statement about the person. 

For instance: “You’re reading this blog post because you’re the type of person who likes to be on the cutting edge of marketing.” 


”You’re the type of person who will do whatever it takes to create a better life for your family!” 

That statement, if even slightly true, will make someone more committed to keeping that view alive. 

Questions work well too. “Are you the type of person who is coachable and willing to follow directions if you know it will help you create your dream business?” 

Questions like that will help you get a click as displayed above. But it can also be used at the beginning of an email or sales page to keep people reading. Or to keep people watching a sales video. 

They’ve committed, and now they want to stay consistent. Even if only to themselves. 

Another way you see it used is when someone registers for a training or sales webinar! When someone registers they’ve made a small commitment to you that YES, they’ll be there. 

You use this in your life all the time. “Hey, you’re gonna be there right?” 

Because you’ve learned over time that asking that question works to make sure your friend will be at your house Sunday to watch the game with you! 

Or it can work to make sure that a prospect will be at a meeting you’ve set up to give your presentation. 

You can use this trigger throughout your content, your emails, and on your sales page to keep getting people to the next step. (By the way, did you try to click the link above? See it works!! LOL) 

Trigger #5: Empathy 

You see empathy at play all the time. 

As humans, we tend to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. It’s a good trait when you’re being a good husband, friend, boss, etc. 

But of course, marketers have used it for years to persuade you. 

One of the fastest ways to use empathy is through stories. If you’re telling a story that a person can relate to (now combining ‘liking’ and ‘empathy’) then you can get them to put themselves in your story. In your shoes. They see themselves in the role. 

And we love stories as humans. It’s how we learn, it’s how we make decisions. 

So when you weave compelling stories in your marketing, you’re using deep psychology and emotion to move them. You’re causing them to become empathetic. 

But let’s be clear…empathy works both ways. Because you MUST be empathetic with your audience’s wants, needs, and desires. Remember Rule #1 from Part 1 of this blog series? 

In fact, if you don’t first have empathy for your audience, you can rarely sway them to put themselves in your stories. Because chances are you won’t have the right story for THEM! 

Success Stories and testimonials are another simple and fast way to create an environment where your audience becomes empathetic.

They put themselves in the situation of the person having the success…and can, therefore, see themselves there one day as well. 

And therefore more apt to buy from you, join you, or use your services!  

Trigger #6: Social Proof 

    • Ever been walking down the street and everyone is looking up, so you look up too? 
    • Ever been about to cross the street, but the people next to you haven’t started crossing yet, so you wait? 
    • Ever ready to stay in a hotel, and you go and read the reviews first to see what others are saying? 
    • Ever driven by a restaurant with a jam-packed parking lot on a Monday night, and think to yourself “Dang, I gotta try that place?” 

I could go on for days, but those are examples of social proof at work! 

It’s another great shortcut to make decisions, and we just talked about one of the ways it’s used most. Testimonials. 

We tend to do things based on what others are doing. We make decisions by how many other people are doing it too. It’s implanted deep into our minds to be this way. It’s saved our ancestor’s lives in many ways. 

And just like the street crossing scenario above, it’s likely saved our own lives at times. 

You can use social proof in tons of ways throughout your marketing… 

    • Testimonials of happy customers
    • Success stories from people who have used your product or system
    • Stating how many people are on your list
    • Using software that shows “actual” people who just bought a product
    • Posting pictures of you on your social media, inside your emails, or on your sales page of you with other leaders in your industry. 

This is a strong psychological factor that you’ll want to use in as many ways as possible in your marketing! (As LONG as it doesn’t look as though you’re doing it in a braggadocios way, it works over and over again!)  

Trigger #7: Scarcity & Loss Aversion

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen this at work. 

    • Limited time
    • Limited space
    • Only 5 spots are available
    • “I’m looking to lock arms with 5 people in _________”
    • Hurry, time is running out! 
    • Only 3 more left at this price! 
    • One-time offer! 

Why do you see this so much? Because it works like gangbusters. And as humans, even when we know it’s being used on us… it gets us every damn time doesn’t it? 

Creating urgency and showing someone we’re about to LOSE something is very taxing on our minds as humans. We hate to lose the darned thing, even if we don’t have it yet! 

But we can also use Scarcity and Loss Aversion toward the things that people already have but don’t want to learn. 

One of the ways you see it done often is through advertising for health or financial ads. Losing either can be deadly or detrimental. 

People are much more likely to take action to not lose something than to gain something. 

Here is the key though when you are using Scarcity and loss aversion… MEAN IT!

If you are putting a deadline on something, don't be fake about it. Keep your word on the deadline.

As You Can See, There’s a LOT More Than Meets the Eye With the Marketing Being Used on YOU…and the Marketing You’re Using with Funnels! 

In fact, even with two monster blog posts, I was only able to touch on a few of them. 

There are plenty more, but using these will get you plenty more leads, sales, and sign-ups in your business if you put them to work throughout your funnel! 

Let me know what you think below, did you get value from these blog posts? Let me know in the comments below…

Additional Resources

✅ HBA Funnel Builder – Learn More Here

All in one funnel builder for capture pages, product creation, and selling products. If you are just starting out and looking for the right tools I recommend this tool. The owners are AMAZING people and good friends.

✅ OptimizePress Funnel Builder – Learn More Here

By far the best WordPress theme and funnel builder on the market. It's meant for marketers because it's created by marketers. It gets my highest recommendation and I use it on all my personal sites.

✅ Automatic Script - Learn More Here

Automatic Script is professional copywriting software that automates the process of creating your sales messages. The beauty of Automatic Script is that it automates the creation of effective sales copy that ordinarily, could cost you thousands of dollars, tons of time, and lots of trial-and-error. Great Tool.

✅ Deadline Funnel – Learn More Here

Using REAL scarcity in your marketing with integrity is one of the most powerful aspects of making online sales. By far one of my favorite tools. It fully integrates with your email autoresponder and works amazingly well.

You rock,

PS: If you don't have a step by step blueprint for success then check this out (Unless you currently have to many leads and sales then you can handle) - Click Here

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