It's no secret that Facebook is a must for most marketers with over 2.85 billion users and growing.

If you were to simply use it for nothing else other than connecting with people, it would be worth it 10 times over to invest your time and learn it because of the relational aspect it provides.

The problem is many people don't know where to start or how to start when it comes to using Facebook for lead generation.

The biggest key to remember is that Facebook is a place for socializing and connection.

People don't come to see ads so you really need to make sure what you do creates value for the end-user.

Not only that but remember when using Facebook for business purposes you need to respect their guidelines and rules.

First and foremost anytime you use Facebook for business reasons, always remember why people come there in the first place and that is to socialize and consume content.

Being that Facebook is so good for lead generation, I have listed below my top 10 ways to generate leads on Facebook for the home business entrepreneur.

Each one of these strategies will work for you, if you apply them consistently over time just like anything else in life.

Read each one, take 1 or 2 of them and go to work.

Let's get to it, shall we?

First, if you didn't catch my recent podcast interview on 3 ways to get leads on Facebook without paid ads, be sure to check it out below.

[buzzsprout episode='9007047′ player='true']

Second, be sure to check out my Success With Mark live episode where I go into each of these tips in detail and I even expound on them quite a bit.

#1: Insert links Into Your Image Descriptions

Now to be honest I pretty much stumbled upon this strategy but it is responsible for me generating literally thousands of free leads on Facebook.

When you go on Facebook and share images, you simply put a link to a capture page in the description of the image.

People out of pure curiosity will click on that link and opt-in. It is seriously one of the easiest ways to generate leads on Facebook and it takes an extra 20 seconds to do.

Not too long ago, I did a blog post and training video on this that goes more in-depth.

You can watch the training video here, and then if you want to see the entire blog post which is more in-depth, click the link below the video.

Full blog post here: How To Get FREE Leads In Under 15 Minutes Per Day

#2: Utilize Facebook LIVE Videos To Drive Traffic

Well, chances are you already know what Facebook live is and how it works.

It is a video platform that enables the user to broadcast live videos using their mobile device or on their desktop computer.

The vast majority of Facebook users love it due to the nature and interaction, making it far more unique compared to regular marketing videos that you might make for say YouTube (which has live video also).

There is little doubt that an audience watching a LIVE video on Facebook will comment 10X more than on ordinary videos.

Similar to the photos above you can add a link in the description to promote your capture page, blog post, sales page, or whatever you want really.

This is no doubt an incredibly powerful way to generate leads.

You can do them from your mobile phone app, or from your desktop.

If you want to dig into a more in-depth training on this topic, check out my recent blog post where I shared how you can get people on you LIVE videos. You can view that post here.

#3: Make Use of Video Ads To Promote Your Offers

Using Facebook's ad platform is an extremely powerful way to get leads and sales. But what is even more powerful is using videos ads to do it.

But what is even more powerful is using video ads to do it. Video content is king hands down.

In March of 2015, Facebook cited a study by Neilson ratings on “The Value of Video For Brands” that people just seeing a video for even a few seconds took their brand awareness up in the marketplace.

Imagine what video can do in your business and how it can help you get more leads and sales?

I recently did my own testing with a particular form of video that was about 49 seconds long and it resulted in 385 leads at a 52.4% conversion rate and 4 sales. (See tracking link stats below)


#4: Utilize The “Pin Post” Option For Driving More Leads

The one really easy and simple way to take advantage of traffic from your profile or your page is to create a welcome video or a post promoting something you want to promote and “Pin” it to the top of your page.

Not only is this a great way to capitalize on people that visit your page, but you will get leads from it too.

This is very simple to do.

Step One: Create a welcome video or post and post it on your Facebook page. (See Image Below)


Step Two: Click the arrow in the top right corner of your post (See image below)

clickarrowonpostOnce you do this you will see that you will not only get many views, but it will result in lots of leads too.

#5: Create High Value & Sharable Blog Posts

When people go to Facebook they go to socialize and consume content. People love

People love to view and share content on Facebook and creating high-value blog posts that can get you great traffic is an amazing way to get leads.

The key here is to create shareable content. In other words, create content that gives people a sense of empowerment when they share it.

In other words, create content that gives people a sense of empowerment when they share it. Make them feel smart for sharing your content.

I have a few blog posts that went viral and got shared many times.

Creating content is fun, and the end result is always in your favor in the long run.

If you want to learn many of my strategies for creating content and promoting it effectively, I recently did a training called my “Content Creation Formula” that you can access for free.

Click Here To Access The Content Creation Formula Training

#6: Drive Traffic To Your Blog Posts Use Native Advertising

If you are scratching your head wondering “What the heck is native advertising?” then just keep reading. I will help you understand it.

I think Wikipedia does a great job explaining exactly what “Native Advertising” on their website, but here is a snippet that best explains it and then I will translate it for you.

Native advertising is a type of disguised advertising, usually online, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. In many cases, it manifests as either an article or video, produced by an advertiser with the specific intent to promote a product, while matching the form and style which would otherwise be seen in the work of the platform's editorial staff. The word “native” refers to this coherence of the content with the other media that appears on the platform.

To translate what it says above, it basically means, advertising content. For instance, when people go to Facebook, they want to see content, not ads.

For instance, when people go to Facebook, they want to see content, not ads.

You can create great content like blog posts and videos, and then run paid ads to that content where it leads into an offer toward the end of your content.

This is essentially a way to soften the blow so to speak where people don't feel like they are being pitched.

It works amazingly well, and it is one of the primary ways I recommend getting leads on Facebook.

#7: Make Use of The Call-To-Action Button on Your Facebook Page

A CTA button is a very powerful tool for lead generation for it can assist you in driving more traffic directly to your capture page.

If you take a look at the image below, these are some stats from my call to action button on my Facebook page.


Step One: Find your call-to-action button on your page (See image below).


Step Two: Go to “Edit Button” (See Image Below)

You will see also, there are button options that you can choose from: “Sign Up,” “Shop Now,” “Contact Us,” “Book Now,” “Use App,” Watch Video,” and “Play Game.”

Heck, there might even be more by the time you read this, but choose the one that best fits your offer.

This button once clicked, will go straight to your capture page.

I can promise you that this will take your Facebook marketing up a notch.

It's free leads, who wouldn't want that? 🙂

If you want to see my CTA Button, head on over to my Facebook Page, give me a “LIKE” and click the button so you can see how I have it set up, and opt-in.

Click Here To Go To My Facebook Page

#8: Post Your Content In Relevant Groups That Allow Posting

When you have content that is relevant and can help your target market, try to find groups on Facebook that allow you to post that content.

One of the things you want to avoid is just posting straight to a capture page. The reason is, many people want to see some value first before you ask for their contact information.

Create a video or even a blog post leading people to a relevant offer that provides value or some tips that will benefit them and have that lead to the offer.


Find groups that are geared toward your target market and do a LIVE video right inside that group (if it's allowed).

I have yet to see someone actually do this yet, but the potential to make a huge impact and connection is real.

As of this blog post, Facebook gives you the option to broadcast LIVE inside of any group you are a part of and when a group has somewhere in the ballpark of 25,000 members, you can rest assured you will get some lookers.

Create Your Own Facebook Group

Groups are very powerful and can build your brand in a big way.

One of the great ways you can build your brand and stay in front of your prospects is with your own group.

Here is a quick list of just a few of the ways a Facebook group can help you build your business.

    1. A Place to showcase your value – People need to see your value in the places they frequent before they will buy. Everybody is on Facebook so it's a good match.
    2. A central place for connection and networking – Relationships are everything. You can have a very small list, but a very active list and get great results. A group will just add to that relational building aspect.
    3. A great place to promote upcoming events – Facebook's event feature is great and allows you to invite all that are in the group. This is very powerful when doing a webinar or training.
    4. A way to build your thriving community – People love to be a part of something bigger than themselves. If you can create a culture in your group, people will join you. It's that simple.
    5. Much more…

#9: Network And Connect With At Least 5 New People Per Day

This is probably the easiest and most simple way to get leads and start conversations.

Get talking to people and move them toward your offers.

Valuable conversation between people is an art form.

It's a back and forth between two people that when done properly can set people in a position to look at your presentation or offer.

I have found that many people simply struggle with what to say and how to network.

Here are a couple of questions you can ask people to get the conversation going.

    1. What do you do?
    2. What does your career entail?
    3. How long have you been doing that?
    4. Do you enjoy what you do?
    5. Have you ever considered doing anything else?

These are just 5 of the 14 messenger conversation starters PDF that I give out on this training.

Addtional Resrouces For Your Business

✅ Facebook Friend Filter - Learn More Here

Have a whole bunch of inactive friends on your Facebook profile? This browser extension can you help quickly identify those friends that no longer engage on any of your posts and help you to unfriend them quickly. This tool is awesome for increasing engagement in a big way.

✅ Metricool Social Scheduler – Learn More Here

My tool of choice for auto-posting to my social media profiles. You can post images, text posts, upload videos, and much more. Amazing tool for social automation and driving more organic traffic to your content on auto-pilot.

✅ Ecamm Live Broadcasting Software - Learn More Here

If you want to enrich your LIVE videos experience, this tool is AMAZING. Perfect for high production-looking lives and super simple to use and allows you to broadcast to multiple locations at the same time.

You rock,

PS: Want to work directly with me? Click Here

    6 replies to "9 Proven (and Mostly Free) Ways To Get Leads on Facebook"

    • Seb Brantigan

      Hey Mark wow am I blown away by this post, so many effective strategies doing both free and paid FB marketing. Can’t wait to try these…you rock bud.

      Seb, the Britpreneur

    • Carl Davies

      This was packed full of useful tips. Thanks a bunch!

    • Jane Brewer

      Hi Mark, This is an awesome article for generating leads on Facebook and special it is more helpful small business and startups. I have also tried query search on Facebook for lead generation and this was worked. Thanks

    • freya riki

      The way of your article presentation is very effective and very easy to understand. Share more like this.

    • simone watson

      Hello Mark, This blog is really informative from a lead generation point of view. Thanks for sharing

    • Azhar Ahmad

      Hi Mark, the way of your article presentation is very effective and very easy to understand. thanks for sharing love this post

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