I have had the privilege to work with many people in the home business industry and without question, there are a few questions that always come up when people are building online.

One of those questions is always…

“How do I follow up with my prospects and get them to buy?”

This is a great question and the answer is remarkably simple, however, I will attempt to give you a broken down explanation so you can apply it in your business.

Let's get started…

#1: Follow Up Via Personal Email

This is probably the route most people will go first as it's the simplest way to follow up.

However, if you do this the wrong way, you will turn your prospects off and you will look like every other marketer on the planet.

I have a very simple way to email an individual prospect that has worked for me really well.

The first step is to be real.

That's right. Be real and don't sound salesy in your email. Too many people are focused on making a sale and that even comes through in their emails.

When doing follow-up, don't focus on trying to make a sale, focus on seeing if there is a sale to be made.

Does that make sense?

When emailing someone personally I like to keep it simple. Something like this…

“Hi John, Mark Harbert here. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I also saw you were on one of my websites and I just wanted to see how I could help you. What exactly were you looking for when you entered your information?”

Let's look at this real quick…

If you notice I didn't mention anything about my company, product, or comp plan.

What I also do here is acknowledge that they were on the website, but then I also try to engage them very quickly by stating how I want to help them and asking a question.

If the person answers you back, you can proceed to engage them by asking them if they are open to getting on the phone.

About 80% of the time, I ask, people are interested in talking further.

It's really simple and it's non-threatening.

#2: Follow Up Via Phone Call

Ok so, this is by far my favorite way to follow up with potential prospects.


Do you realize that the internet is full of marketers that are deathly afraid of the phone? It's true, hardly any of them do it and this is by far the best way for you to stand out.

Just the other day, I had a woman on the phone tell me that in all the years she has been trying to make money in-home business via the internet, nobody has ever called her.

Can you believe that? Nobody.

It left such an impression on her, that she signed up to a program I promote within 30 minutes of our phone call.

If you really want to stand out in the online marketplace. Get on the phone as it's a lost art among internet marketers.

When calling on the phone, follow this ultra-simple script to get results.

“Hi Joan, I just wanted to reach out and say hello to you. So tell me, what is going on in Joan's world? What can I do to help you with your business?”

Do you see what I did there? I asked her how I could help her by asking a question and letting her talk.

The biggest mistake people make when getting on the phone is they go into salesperson mode and immediately turn their prospects off.

If you are perceived as being too salesy, you will lose your prospects IMMEDIATELY.

By asking questions, you will learn what are the frustrations of your prospects, and then you can fill the need with your product or service.

I almost never sell. I only inform and educate, and then marry my product to their need. That's it!

I allow my prospects to make up their own minds as I find it's so much easier when they close themselves.

Focus on them, their needs, and then show them how your product or service can fill the gap.

#3: Follow Up Via Engaging Content

This is an excellent way to get your prospects to reach out to you.

When you create content that hits a pain point and in turn solves a problem for them, you will be perceived as an authority.

People will opt-in, but they will also reach out to you and be more interested in what you have to offer via social media and other channels.

Doing this consistently, whether it is 1, 2, or 3 times per week or even once per month will expose them to your brand and your products which in turn will give you credibility in their eyes.

You can have them connect with you on Facebook, or via email. But those interested in what you have to offer will reach out and connect. This is what we call attraction marketing.

Not sure what attraction marketing is?

It's the process of providing value on the front end while building authority and credibility with your prospects where they actually begin to reach out to you instead of you chasing them.

Additional Resources

✅ Magnetic Sponsoring Book - Learn More Here

This book changed my perspective on how to market online. I will NEVER market any other way online because of Magnetic Sponsoring. If you're in Network Marketing/Direct Sales, this book should be required reading.

✅ Repurpose.io - Learn More Here HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

This tool is flat-out AMAZING! If you are creating any style of videos, this tool makes it insanely easy to share your content on other platforms. This tool is highly recommended.

✅ HBA Funnel Builder – Learn More Here

All in one funnel builder for capture pages, product creation, and selling products. If you are just starting out and looking for the right tools I recommend this tool. The owners are AMAZING people and good friends.

You rock,

PS: Want to work directly with me? Click Here

    2 replies to "Top Three Ways To Follow Up With Your Prospects"

    • Rhoda

      Hey Mark,

      I definitely love the follow-up strategies you shared and I think I will implement them.

    • Jeanne White

      Hi Mark

      Excellent follow up email information. Thank you very much for sharing.

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