There is a strategy that I have been secretly using for the last 8 months or so to get leads using video ads. Thats right, video ads.
What makes this such
It goes without saying that one of the most powerful strategies online today is video marketing to convey and get your message out to the marketplace. Text cannot accomplish what
Some people are wondering what is going to happen now that youtube seems to be allowing scammy people to falsely flag youtube videos and get their account shut down. People
Probably one of the questions I get regularly being a video marketer is...
"What kind of camera and mic do you use, your videos are so good?"
That question is the motivation
If you're in the video marketing world and you have been on YouTube lately, it seems YouTube is on a tear to rid itself of what they consider spam. Even
I love internet marketing. There is nothing more fun, more challenging and yet so fulfilling. There are many things that I have learned over the years as I have tried